Ecobricks Training Workshop

Sat, 07/03/2020

11.00am - 3.00 pm
Hayfield Village Hall
Organised by Sustainable Hayfield and Transition New Mills

Ecobricks are a way of capturing non-recyclable plastic and turning it into building blocks.  In 2019, 20,000 kg of plastic was 'ecobricked', with millions of pieces of plastic put to good use in local building around the world. 

In this workshop, Josanne McLean, a certified ecobricks trainer, will show you how you can make ecobricks so that you can start working to remove plastic from our environment. School age children and adults can attend. There will be a presentation and discussion, as well as practical activities. Lunch will be a 'bring and share' event.  In the meantime, please save any plastic bottles (free of food contamination) you have and bring them along with you! 

If you’re interested in this event, please email

For more information on ecobricks: