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Open consultation: RHI biomethane injection to grid tariff review


This consultation on the RHI biomethane injection to grid tariff seeks views from industry on the proposed adjustment to the biomethane to grid tariff. The consultation presents two tariff options: banding and tiering. For each option, scenarios are presented that illustrate how tariffs for different sizes of biomethane plant might be derived.


£7600 to make your home more energy efficient

Insulation being pumped in to the wall of a house.

Households that are making their homes more energy efficient can now claim money back to make the cost of the process less expensive. Due to the new Green Deal Home improvement fund (GDHIF), people in England and Wales will be able to receive up to £7600 in order to help lower the amount of money the customer has to spend out of their own pocket and so they can manage their bills and have warmer, greener homes.

This new deal has been put into place to make sure people have the help they need fitting their new energy efficient measures, such as, solid wall insulation and new heating systems. The GDHIF will be available from June 2014.


Energy Secretary welcomes launch of Community Energy England

Community Energy England

The Energy Secretary Ed Davey has welcomed the launch of Community Energy England (CEE), a group of more than 60 member organisations active in community energy – spanning social enterprises, practitioners, private companies and the public sector.

Community Energy England will share news, best practice and training to support community energy projects such as wind turbines and solar farms. It will also provide a collective voice for this important and expanding part of the clean energy sector.


TRAINING: Communities Training

Organised by Centre for Sustainable Energy (CSE)

Bristol, Free


CSE are organising free training for members of community group to gain new skills they can use to benefit their local area.

• Understanding switching tariffs: Wed 11 June, 3:30-5:30

• Draught proofing workshop: Wed16 July, 3:30-5:30

The sessions are free for members of community organisations and will be held at CSE offices in Bristol. Further details:


Community Woodland Planning Application

Whistlewood Common, a community-owned woodland, have applied for planning permission for a number of items including a timber-framed roundhouse, compost toilets, disabled parking and the creation of a pond. You can write a comment in support of this application: