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Half of UK Would Consider Community Energy Scheme

Over half of UK adults (51%) would get involved in a community energy project if it could save money on their energy bill, according to the findings of a DECC Community Energy Survey.


Figures also suggested bill reductions isn’t the only motivating factor, as almost a fifth of UK adults – 17% – said they would be motivated to get involved in a community energy project if it would help reduce carbon emissions to prevent climate change. Furthermore, a tenth of UK adults said that getting more involved in their local community would motivate them to get involved in a community energy project.


FUNDING: Community Chest Grant Scheme for Community Buildings


The Western Power Distribution Community Chest has just opened for a third round of funding. Community groups in the Midlands can apply for up to £1000 to pat for simple but effective energy efficiency imrpovements to reduce their energy costs and carbon emission of the buildings they use for their activities.

A total of £50,000 is available. The grant is being administered by the Centre for Sustainable Energy. Who can also provide expert guidance to help groups carry out an audit of their buildings. Eligible measures include insulating loft spaces, installing energy monitors, draught proofing windows and doors, fitting effective heating controls and installing low energy lighting. 

The application process is simple. Groups are asked to submit a short application form and provide quotes for recommended improvements, as well as completing an audit of their building. Guidance and an application pack are downloadable from  or email for more information.

Support for Food and Drink Organisations to Lower Energy Use

NEPes launch project to help food & drink businesses become more sustainable

Nottingham University Business School and NEP Energy Services have teamed up with Savannah State University, Georgia to raise the profile of environmental sustainability in the food and drink sector. They are looking to support a small group of organisations, large or small, to cut operating costs and carbon whilst building their green credentials and competitiveness. Benefits include support to lower utility bills and improve resource efficiency, reducing your operating costs, gaining a nationally recognised Environmental Management Standard-Investors in the Environment (supported by the Environment Agency, amongst others) to help win new business and support to develop and implement innovative approaches to green marketing.

Participating businesses will be asked for a small contribution towards the heavily subsidised programme, but in return will receive a significant range of benefits. Any revenue generated will support fuel poverty and carbon reduction projects in hard to reach local areas. Contact Gemma Cave:

British Gas Abandons House Insulation Scheme in Nottingham

British Gas has abandoned a scheme offering free or subsidised external solid wall insulation to homes in Clifton, Nottingham. Around 1,200 people living in council-owned properties and 700 people in privately-owned properties signed up for the scheme. Cllr Alan Clark, from Nottingham City Council, said they were determined many more houses would be completed before funding for the project ends in 90 days. He said anyone who had paid for insulation, and did not receive it, would be refunded. The link below has a video clip showing residents who have paid up front for double glazing in preparation for receiving SWI insulation. 

British Gas said government changes to the Energy Companies Obligation (ECO) [lobbied for by the big energy companies] meant they could no longer fund some


East Bridgford Community Wind Turbine Application –Support Needed

The East Bridgford Community Energy
IPS Ltd has submitted  its second planning application after a previous refusal. The group of volunteers are seeking, within their limited financial means, to provide a 500/800Mw wind turbine to reduce carbon dioxide emissions and provide a return for investors and for the East Bridgford community. This second application addresses and, they believe, answers satisfactorily, the reason for the first refusal with one exception.

The village is surrounded by the Nottingham and Derby Green Belt in which development is only allowed under ‘very special circumstances’. The Society claims that the benefit to the Environment and the local Community could provide these ‘very special circumstances.’ The projected energy generation will provide almost half the annual energy requirements of the village and a minimum of 30% of the Net Profit is to be used for energy saving and environmental measures at the instruction of the Society AGM.
If you believe this to be a worthy project please email quoting planning reference 13/02447/FUL before 20th February 2014.