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What a Fantastic Half Term!

Our Fantastic Home mobile exhibition spent Nottinghamshire's half term visiting a number of local high streets. We spoke to shoppers in Eastwood, Calverton and Mapperley. But we're just as at home in mud as we are on tarmac. Earlier this month we attended Transition Hope Valley's very busy Apple Day in a very muddy field in Derbyshire!

We've offered visitors to the exhibition advice on everything from solid wall insulation and changing a boiler to solar panels and making sure your shower is energy efficient. We've also given away free items which will save people money on their electricity, gas and water bills.











































EnergyFunder Launches

Energyfunder is a new project launched in partnership with Crowdfunder UK to provide a platform for people with great energy ideas to find the funding that they need to get their projects off the ground. It’s a unique idea that uses the new trend of crowdfunding (reaching out to your community to fund an idea) to fund communities who want to make their own energy. Whether you have an idea for a new product to bring to market or you want to insulate your scout hut or replace the boiler in the village hall, energyfunder can help you raise the money from the community around you.


Free Energy Efficiency Checks for Older People in Nottinghamshire & City

Free benefit entitlement checks and home energy efficiency support for local people

AgeUK are using funding from E.ON to offer 150 free energy efficiency checks and 125 benefits advice sessions to older people living in Nottingham City, Gedling, Broxtowe and Rushcliffe. These checks will help to maximise income, reduce energy consumption and lower spending on energy bills during the most difficult months for vulnerable older people.

Thanks to the grant, people living in Gedling, Broxtowe, Rushcliffe, and Nottingham City can benefit from a free energy efficiency check through Age UK Notts' handyperson service. The handyperson will carry out an 'energy fit' check to assess the energy efficiency of a person's home and give top tips on how to save energy. Where possible they will also install simple and practical energy efficiency measures such as draught proofing in a bid to reduce energy bills.

In addition to the 'energy fit' checks older people will also be able to take advantage of free benefit advice sessions with qualified advisors who will assess eligibility of benefits and provide support to claim what they are entitled to. The advice is free, impartial and confidential and allows Age UK Notts to refer people to additional services and support if needed.

To find out more about the free energy efficiency checks call 0115 952 3509 or call 0115 844 0011 for benefits advice sessions.


Transition Café Event

Transition Chesterfield are keen to help build a network of groups and individuals who are working towards a sustainable and ethical society. With this in mind they are organising a Transition Café even in Belper on 27th November, 7:30pm-9:30pm.

They would like to invite other local green groups (you don’t have to be a Transition group) to come along and give a brief presentation about who you are and what you do. Each participating group will have a few minutes to talk about themselves, their own story, what they do, how they operate and so forth. They would as many local groups as possible - not only Transition, but any environmental organisations, businesses or individuals - to be represented, so we can all meet to offer mutual support and whatever help we can to each other. 

If you can’t attend you can still submit material about your group that will be presented on your behalf.

For more information, please contact:


National Liftshare Week in Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire

If you saw a petrol station advertising fuel for 69p a litre, you’d stop and buy some, wouldn’t you? Well if you’re currently driving alone on your commute to work, you can indeed halve your fuel costs – simply by sharing your car with other people. That’s the message from Nottinghamshire County Council which is urging people to give car sharing a go as part of National Liftshare Week, taking place from 7th - 11th October.

Car sharing – where two or more people travel together – allows people to benefit from the convenience of the car, whilst alleviating the associated problems of congestion and pollution. The County Council uses the nationwide Liftshare website to host its own car-sharing scheme which is free to join and use and already has 2,189 members in Nottinghamshire.

Under the scheme residents – both drivers and passengers – can register and search for potential car sharing partners in their area. You can share a car for any journey: getting to and from work, doing the weekly shop, taking the children to school, going to the match at the weekend, travelling to a festival, event or show, getting to or from university, visiting friends or getting to the airport – the choice is yours!

To join the Nottinghamshare car share scheme for free, visit

To join the Derbyshire scheme visit: