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Derbyshire Community Climate Action Conference: Full Workshop List Announced

A full list of workshops has been announced for the Derbyshire Community Climate Action Network Conference taking place on Saturday 9th March. Workshop titles are listed below and a document with details of each workshop is attached.

Only a handful of places are left on the conference. Derbyshire residents can book their free place by contacting Nick Pigula: or 01629 538304.


  • Working with your local council: a group’s perspective
  • Improving the energy efficiency of community buildings
  • Community growing projects.
  • DE4 Food project
  • Running a small business with the environment in mind
  • Fundraising Through Potato Days
  • Local Transport Projects
  • Engaging with the Green Deal and ECO
  • Working with your local council: a council’s perspective
  • Voluntary Energy Assessors
  • How to find funding for your group
  • Building Climate Resilient Communities in Derbyshire
  • Tour of the Derbyshire Eco Centre
DCCA Conf. Workshop Descriptions.doc31 KB

Just Nine Places Left on FREE Derbyshire Conference

There are just nine places left on a course which promises to be the event of the year for Derbyshire-based community groups taking action on climate change. Book your free place now: 01629 538304.


Derbyshire Community Climate Action Network Conference, which is being run by Derbyshire County Council, takes place at the Derbyshire Eco Centre (Middleton-by-Wirksworth) on Saturday 9th March.
The day will include:
  • National keynote speakers: Ruth Mayne of Low Carbon West Oxford and Jerome Badley or Nottingham Energy Partnership
  • Inspirational workshops from local community groups about their projects
  • The chance to meet lots of other people who are doing similar work
  • Workshops by organisations that can help you in the work you are doing
  • A 'marketplace' of stalls packed full of useful information
  • A purpose-built eco venue with many inspiring feature 
To book your free place contact Nick Pigula on 01629 538304 or with your name, contact details and the name of any climate change-focused community group you belong to (you don't need to belong to one to attend). Spaces will be allocated on a first come, first served basis.
For more information about similar conferences which took place in 2010, see our community conferences page

Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire Eco Householders Open Their Doors to the Public

Residents living in Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire have the opportunity to visit real eco homes on their own doorstep this spring. Householders across the two counties who have made their homes more eco friendly will open their doors to inspire the public between 2nd and 10th March as part of the first ever Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire EcoHomes Open Week.
Visitors will be able to see improvements including solar panels, solid wall insulation, a straw bale extension, air source heat pumps, grey water recycling systems, vegetable growing and much more. Measures which can be funded by the government’s new Green Deal and ECO will be on display. As well as many ordinary homes, the week also involves the opportunity to visit a community-owned hydro project in Derbyshire; some research eco homes at the University of Nottingham; the Derbyshire Eco Centre, an environmental learning centre near Wirksworth; and the Gloworm training centre in Belper.
Caroline Harmon of Marches Energy Agency, one of the organisations behind the event, said: 'This is a fantastic opportunity to visit real eco homes in your own community and get inspired to make your own home more environmentally friendly and cheaper to heat. It will be a bit like an Open Gardens Day, but householders will be showing off their insulation and solar panels instead of their sunflowers and chrysanthemums!’
Details of houses which are open, and when, are listed on the event’s website:

SuperHomes Week – 16th-24th March

Pioneering owners of some of the UK’s most eco-friendly SuperHomes will host free Open Days in March. SuperHomes are older homes refurbished by their owners for greater comfort, lower bills and far fewer carbon emissions - at least 60% less! Achieving such a high standard requires major home improvements. In short, this is a chance to see eco renovation at its impressive best. Visitors can expect to come away with plenty of ideas for greening their own properties. They’ll also gain a better understanding of the home improvements now eligible for Green Deal finance.
Most SuperHomes have superior insulation; many have alternative heating sources and some produce their own energy. Georgian, Victorian, Edwardian and post-war properties are amongst those open to the public. Visitors will learn more about both the benefits and challenges of eco renovation. SuperHomers are genuine early adopters who can speak from experience.

Climate Week – 4th-10th March

Climate Week is Britain’s biggest climate change campaign, inspiring a new wave of action to create a sustainable future. Culminating in a week of activities, it showcases practical solutions from every sector of society. Each year, half a million people attend 3,000 events in Britain’s biggest ever environmental occasion. Events are run by schools, businesses, charities, councils and many others. You can help accelerate action on climate change by making Climate Week happen where you are. Ask an organisation or group you know to start planning an activity now for Climate Week in March 2013.