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Community Green Deal and ECO Resources Launched

The authors of Plan Local, a resource for communities interested in community-owned renewable projects and community-led planning, have produced a new resource to help communities keen to explore how they might engage with the Green Deal and ECO. CSE explain:
‘We want to see community groups taking the lead in promoting the Green Deal within their own neighbourhoods, enabling people to access loans for energy efficiency improvements, reducing carbon emissions and improving quality of life in their own neighbourhoods. So, we've launched a whole new PlanLoCaL resource pack and have overhauled the website to bring it all together.’
The new resources (there are 88 of them!) can be downloaded for free:

Carbon Reduction Manager Required

New College in Nottingham is recruiting a Carbon Reduction Manager: .

Peak Business for Community Action

Peak Business for Community Action (PB4CA) is a new service for local charities, community groups and businesses in the Peak District.
Local charities and voluntary groups often need help with operational or management issues, whether its access to practical help, advice, finance, premises, volunteers, equipment or other resources. Much of this kind of support is available from organisations like CVS and Volunteer Centres, but sometimes groups need other professional and specialist services in addition to this. Finding the right help and advice available locally can sometimes be a daunting experience - this is where PB4CA can help. The project will create a new website that will match businesses based in the Peak District who are able to offer specific pro-bono (free) support to local community groups who need help and advice.
If you would like to be kept in touch about the project’s launch please register your interest at the PB4CA landing page:

Derbyshire Big Deals

Derbyshire County Council is also launching a switching scheme: Derbyshire Big Deals. This will make it easier for local people to cut their bills by switching energy companies. It works by bringing people together to pool their buying power to get the best price. It's based on an idea pioneered in the Netherlands where people saved up to £200 a year on an average bill of £1,300.
Register your interest on our website and when the scheme goes live we'll let you know and ask for a few more details. Then when enough people have said they'll join − we're hoping for 5,000 − we'll strike a deal with an energy company. There's nothing to lose and it's completely free to register. You choose whether to take up the offer from the energy supplier. And if you do opt to change, we'll make the process of switching easy.

Switch ‘n’ Save

Nottinghamshire County Council has launched an energy tariff switching service to help people pool their buying power. Energy suppliers will be invited to offer a special discount deal to scheme members. By pooling your buying power with other people, you could save up to £200 a year on an average bill of £1,300. The more people that join, the bigger the likely savings for everyone.
From 12th February you’ll be able to register for the scheme online: 
or you can visit one of Nottinghamshire County Council’s Customer Service Points where an advisor will help you complete the ‘Switch ‘n’ Save form. You will need to have your most recent electricity and gas bill to hand when you register.

The registration period closes on Wednesday 20 March and energy suppliers will make their offers soon after that. You'll get an email that shows the best deal available on your gas and electricity. There's no obligation to take it up but if you do you'll be taken seamlessly through the process of switching supplier to get the better deal.