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NEW Date for Derbyshire Conference

On Saturday 9th March Derbyshire County Council are organising the Derbyshire Community Climate Action Conference. The event is for anyone in the county who is working to tackle climate change at community level, or would like to.

More details will be available in the New Year. In the meantime - save the date in your diary.

Energy We Can All Afford

This winter millions of people across the UK will struggle to pay our gas and electricity bills. Cold homes are bad for our health, especially for children and older people. Yet energy prices continue to rise. Now is the time to discuss this, as Parliament is about to debate these critical issues.
Energy We Can all Afford, a coalition of organisations including Friends of the Earth and the Low Carbon Communities Network, is holding public meetings across the UK with local MPs. They are inviting anyone concerned about energy issues and prices to come along, hear what your MP has to say and ask your questions.
Visit to find out about meetings in your area. You can also sign a petition for warm homes and lower bills at:
Energy we can all afford? is an initiative run by Energy Bill Revolution, Friends of the Earth, the Stop Climate Chaos Coalition, Greenpeace, and the Low Carbon Communities Network.  It is supported by many organisations including Barnardo’s, Children England, Age UK, National Pensioners’ Convention, Girlguiding UK and the Scouts Association, MENCAP, MS Society, Disability Rights UK, the British Youth Council and the National Children’s Bureau, the TUC, UNISON, the National Union of Students and the National Right to Fuel campaign.

First-Of-A-Kind Travel Conference Held in East Midlands

The Active Travel Conference held in Leicester recently was the first in the UK to bring together leaders from the areas of transport, public health, regeneration & politics to consider the agenda of building/rebuilding cities and towns around Active Travel strategies.

Presentations from the conference are available online:

Derby City Business Energy Efficiency Grants and Advice

Businesses in Derby have the opportunity to access free advice and grants of up to £5,000 through Bespoke a new project that has been launched by Derby City Council. Bespoke aims to promote practical energy efficiency and help businesses in Derby to make improvements to their premises and processes that will save money and reduce carbon emissions. 
Further information: / or contact the Climate Change Team on 01332 287251. Bespoke is part-funded by the European regional Development Fund and eligibility criteria apply.

Household Waste Recycling Centre Survey 2012

Derbyshire county council are running an online survey to find out how happy people are with their local recycling centre.