Support Available to Run a Restart Repair Event

The Restart Project is offering support to groups who want to run community events where people teach each other to repair broken stuff so that they can value and use them for longer. They’re building a network of people who want to do something about the throwaway culture around us by helping people repair stuff.
There are people in our communities who already know how to fix things, and others who want to learn. By bringing them together in a local repair event, you can have an immediate impact on waste in your area. The Restart Project takes this further by using data and stories collected from events to help demand better, more sustainable products for all. Their Fixometer tool allows you to make a note of every repair attempted, which not only enables you to measure the environmental impact of your events (useful for funding bids), but also add to a growing database of repairs around the world. This data is used to talk to policymakers and manufacturers in the fight for more sustainable products. Using real world data from local communities can help influence legislation and magnify our collective impact.

The Restart Project offers how-to guides, event-management tools and personalised advice: