Free Virtual Expert- led Mini-Seminars 

Thu, 27/08/2020

Free Virtual Expert- led Mini-Seminars 
40 – 60 minutes
Via Zoom
Organised by Transition Buxton

To join in, please register for each session in advance via You will then receive an ‘invitation’ to join via a Zoom link.

  • Serpentine Community Garden: Past Present & Future
    Madeline Hall & Steve Philips
    Thursday 13th August, 7:30pm

Madeline Hall & Steve Philips will talk about what the Serpentine Community Garden (SCG) is and where it’s going. After 5 years’ activity as Serpentine Community Farm CIC and its earlier genesis as the Food Group within Transition Buxton, SCG has big ambitions to continue to grow an increasingly wide range of plants, and improve our knowledge and understanding of the natural environment, as well as providing social and therapeutic support in our community and more. 

  • ‘Excellence in Consumption’
     Dr Terry Newholm
     from University of Manchester
     Thursday 27th August, 7:30pm

Our life is in a consumer culture with all the threats that poses to our survival; not an easy proposition for us humans. We’ll get some advice from an austere Victorian art critic, a couple of contemporary American philosophers and the prime UK advocate of eudemonics. This seminar asks the question - what happens when we take a ‘moral turn’ and begin to talk about what is not mentioned in polite American circles: CONSUMPTION? 
For more information on Transition Buxton:

You can watch recorded versions of previous mini seminars if you missed them here: