H.E.A.T Hub Workshop Darley Abbey

Sat, 23/03/2024

Saturday 23rd March
St Matthews Church, Fellowship Room, Darley Abbey, DE22 1EF.

Wanting to go green, but wondering where to start?

Come along to the H.E.A.T Hub’s ‘How to Improve the Efficiency of your Home’ event, supported by Derby City Council. 

If you own your own home which is off the gas network, in a conservation area or just plain hard to heat (EPC D-G), and want to make improvements this is an opportunity to meet the Home Energy Advice Team.

The HEAT Hub comprises experts in the industry, including experienced advisors and assessors. They will work with homeowners to develop their energy efficiency journey, producing improvement plans that take into consideration how to preserve the heritage and quality of your home, but also to maximise investments made.

To reserve your free place at the event, click HERE
To find out more about HEAT Hub, please visit www.homeenergyadviceteamhub.uk or call 0800 677 1332.