Hydropower: dissemination event

Fri, 23/03/2012
The Government has a target for 15% of energy to be derived from renewable sources by 2020 and for a 34% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, with respect to a 1990 baseline, to put the UK on track to meet an 80% reduction in emissions by 2050. One way in which these targets can be met is by increasing small-scale hydropower across the UK. However, this can only be done where schemes do not compromise the objectives of Water Framework Directive (WFD)
River Basin Management Plans.
While satisfying only a relatively small proportion of total projected electricity demand, hydropower remains a reliable, clean and proven technology and is attractive to local communities. However, hydropower development can give rise to a wide range of socio-economic and environmental impacts ranging from flood risk to fisheries, landscape to navigation.
Planning for Hydropower: a Good Practice Guide will be formally published in March 2012 and in support of its launch Climate East Midlands is holding a dissemination event. The event will be an informative but also practical session for anyone with an interest in hydropower.
The event will also feedback the results of the Derwent barriers survey undertaken by volunteers and demonstrate how these have been used to 'wise-up' a model to communicate the cumulative impacts of barriers and hydropower schemes on fish migration across the Trent catchment.
Aims and content of the day
The dissemination event will provide an opportunity for you to:
Gain an understanding of the Guide in terms of its role and content
Explore how the Guide can be used in practice
Consider how the Guide could be promoted both within your own
organisation and externally, and beyond the East Midlands
Discuss the future for hydropower planning, and the implications of the
Localism Act, training needs and policy development
More information about the planning guide is provided overleaf.
If you wish to attend, please contact Lois Dale: lois.dale@emcouncils.gov.uk / : 01664 502663