Community Group Members Visit Inspiring Research Homes

20 people from around Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire recently visited six inspiring research homes at the University of Nottingham.

The group, a mixture of members of community groups that are tackling climate change and staff and elected members from local authorities, were given a guided tour of the Creative Energy Homes Project. The project consists of six houses which each incorporate energy efficient and renewable technology. One home was built as a home would have been in 1930s and has since been retrofitted to try to increase its energy efficiency. A pair of semis have been built from fairly normal building materials, but have been made much more efficient than normal - one has achieved Code Level Four under the Code for Sustainable Homes, and the other Code Level Six.

The tour was well received with one attendee saying that they felt better 'able to inform others with more assurance of different systems.' Another attendee commented that they 'will expect developers to offer energy efficient homes for our community, incorporating the facilities seen today.'

More information about the project is available on their website.

The tour was organised as part of the work of the  Community Climate Action Network.
