EVENT: Repair Café

Heeley City Farm, Sheffiel

Sat 26th July, 10am-4pm

Organised by Repair Sheffield

If you have broken stuff at home that you need to fix bring it along and the volunteer fixers will have a go at putting it right. This isn't just a fixing service though, oh no! They will show you how to mend it for yourself and pass on valuable knowledge which will enable you to do things for yourself or go in to a repair shop with enough know-how to feel confident of getting the job done properly Bring along small household items such as toasters, shoes, clocks, weighing scales. There is no charge but if an item is successfully fixed a small donation towards costs would be welcome.  All fixers are volunteers and the project isn't funded.

Contact Gordon Fergusoninfo@repairsheffield.org or Sarah Hardy: 0114 258 0482 or s.hardy@heeleyfarm.org.uk