Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire Eco Homes Open Week

Sat, 02/03/2013 - Sun, 10/03/2013
Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire EcoHomes Open Week
Over the course of nine days, people across Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire who have installed eco features in their homes will be opening their doors to the public to inspire others to improve their own houses. Visit real, inspiring projects which will show you how to:
  • Make your own home more environmentally friendly
  • Save money by making your home more energy efficient
  • Do things that can be funded under the government’s new Green Deal and ECO programmes
So far homes in Overseal,  Netherfield, Chesterfield, Hockerton, Belper and West Bridgford are involved.
Visit some of the homes
Individual events will be listed in the events section of this website until mid-February when we will be launching a website especially for the event.
Not only will visiting these homes provide you with inspiration, everyone who visits a home will have the chance to enter a prize draw. The prize will be announced in the coming weeks and will help the winner to make their home more environmentally friendly.
Open your own home
We’re sure that there are many more homes in our two counties that have had eco-improvements which could inspire others. If you have a house that you think is suitable let us know. Examples of what you might have done include (but are not limited to):
  • Installed renewable technologies
  • Installed solid wall insulation We’re keen to include homes which have measures which householders will be able to use ECO and Green Deal funding for.
  • Eco-renovated a whole house or room or built an eco house from scratch.
  • Made improvements on a tight budget. We don’t just want expensive high-tech solutions on show.
  • Made a rented home more eco friendly.
  • Incorporated a lot of waste materials into your improvements that would have otherwise ended up in landfill.
  • Produced a lot of your own food in your garden. If you could provide a short tour of how and why you’ve done this, we’d love to include it.
If you like to take part get in touch with Caroline Harmon: