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Derbyshire Climate Coalition
Derby Climate Coalition
Both groups are coalitions comprising of a number of local groups active in addressing the solutions to climate change.
Anyone interested, both as individuals and as organisations, are welcome to join the groups and attend meetings.
They have connections with Transition Towns, Oxfam, Friends of the Earth, and Derby City & Derbyshire County Council.
Derbyshire Climate Coaltion
Website | Facebook
Derby Climate Coaltion
Derby Greenpeace
Derby City
This local greenpeace group meets on the first monday of each month in Derby City. As a group, they have one common goal: defending our planet. That could be spending a couple of hours gathering petition signatures, or it could be running a stall at a local festival. Members can also involved in peaceful ways, campaigns or contribute in lots of other ways.
Website | Twitter | Facebook
Derby & South Derbyshire Friends of the Earth
Derby City & South Derbyshire
Local group that anyone in Derby & South Derbyshire can take part whether it is helping out at public stalls, lobbying decision makers, taking part in practical actions like litter-picking or wildflower planting.
There's no commitment involved, but it’s a chance to meet new people, put your skills and abilities to good use, and gain new experiences.
Website | Twitter
Transition Belper
Transition Belper are a group of local people who, as part of the wider Transition Network movement, are aiming to make Belper a more sustainable place and reduce their individual and community carbon footprint.
Transition Crich
Transition Crich are a small but growing environmental group originally formed to oppose the development of a local quarry into a holiday park.
Shipley Eco-Action Group (SEAG)
SEAG are a community action group that aims to share knowledge about sustainable living and permaculture whilst promoting community cohesion. They are a Transition Town which is a grassroot movement, growing since 2005 across the globe.
Currently their main project is the Shipley Woodside Community Garden on Hassock Lane - 1.5 acre disused field that was transformed into a working Community Garden. Why not volunteer at the Community Garden?
Website | SEAG Facebook | Shipley Woodside Garden Facebook
Earthed Up!
Earthed Up! is a workers co-operative in Belper, Derbyshire. They grow and sell edible and useful plants, preferring perennials. Without chemicals, peet-free and off grid.
Belper Community Energy
Belper Community Energy is supporting the community in the switch to a reliable supply of renewable energy, reducing carbon emissions and saving money.
Plastic Free Clowne
Plastic Free Clowne is a community group registered with the Surfers Against Sewage and working to reduce single-use plastic waste in Clowne.
Bolsover Against Fracking
Bolsover Against Fracking is a non-political community group concerned about the impact of fracking on the area. Anyone living in Bolsover and the surrounding area are welcome to join.
Transition Chesterfield
Transition Chesterfield are aiming to raise awareness of climate change and help make Chesterfield greener. Projects include a monthly Repair Cafe, annual Potato Day event, the Inspire Community Garden, and more.
Plastic Free Chesterfield
Plastic Free Chesterfield is a community campaign dedicated to minimising Chesterfield’s contribution to the single-use plastic crisis. Their hardwork resulted in Chesterfield becoming an accredited Plastic Free Community with Surfers Against Sewage in 2021.
Chesterfield Climate Alliance
This an alliance of individuals and groups around Chesterfield that are interested in tackling climate change.
Tideswell Climate Action Group
This is a group of local people, living in Tideswell and surrounding villages, who want to help improve the local and global environment.
Derbyshire Dales Climate Hub
The Hub wishes to support the council in its communications with the wider public about the Climate Emergency and ways in which people can help mitigate its impacts.
Transition Wirksworth
As part of the wider Transition Network movement, Transition Wirksworth is working towards making Wirksworth a sustainable community.
Website | Facebook
Wirksworth Transition Community Land Trust
Arising out of the Wirksworth Transition Energy Group, they are now a separate Community Land Trust, tackling fuel poverty in housing by improving energy efficiency - which lowers fuel bills, and reduces carbon emissions. We hope to build new social housing to Passivhaus standard, and also help to improve energy efficiency in existing houses.
Website | Facebook
Transition Buxton
Buxton, Derbyshire SK17.
Transition Buxton encourages and supports their local community to live sustainably and to build their collective resilience to environmental change. They aim to reduce or eliminate waste, the use of fossil fuels, and misuse of plastics.
As a Community Interest Company, Transition Buxton is entirely funded and run by volunteers (and some project-specific grants), has no political or commercial affiliations, and concentrates on delivering practical change locally. New members are always welcome.
They meet monthly on the second Tuesday of the month 7:30pm via Zoom or at Pooles Cavern School Room. Their offspring Serpentine Community Garden is also in Buxton and going strong.
Website | Twitter | Facebook
Serpentine Community Farm
Serpentine Community Farm is a thriving resource for local people in Buxton to develop horticultural skills, grow food intensively but sustainably, and is a venue for formal and informal training for the whole community. Volunteers welcomed.
Hope Valley Climate Action (HVCA)
HVCA is a climate action charity with over 600 members, founded in 2019 to tackle the climate emergency on a local and national level.
Website | Twitter | Facebook | Instagram
Acclimatise Whaley
Acclimatise Whaley is a Community Interest Company whose aim is to support the community across the Whaley Bridge area to live more sustainably.
Website | Twitter | Facebook
Sustainable Hayfield
A community group with a shared vision of ensuring Hayfield remains a beautiful place to live for all future generations.
Transition New Mills
As part of the wider Transition Network movement, Transition New Mills is aiming to make their whole community work together to make New Mills a greener and more resilient town.
Countryside Charity Peak Distrct and South Yorkshire (CPRE)
CPRE aim to protect landscapes, tranquillity and promote a sustainable future for the countryside
Website | Twitter | Facebook
Climate Action NE Derbyshire
A group of people in North East Derbyshire who strongly believe that now is the time to act on climate change.
Plastic Free Dronfield/Sustainable Dronfield
Dronfield citizens, community groups, schools and businesses working together to achieve and maintain 'Plastic Free Community' status from Surfers Against Sewage
Website | Facebook
Melbourne Area Transition
Melbourne Area Transition is a voluntary group in South Derbyshire who undertake practical projects to help make Melborne area a happier and more sustainable place to live.
Whistlewood Common
Melbourne, South Derbyshire (we welcome people from across the midlands)
Community-owned land being developed as a productive and edible woodland and community learning and events space.
Website | Twitter | Facebook
Pedals (Nottingham Cycling Campaign)
A cycling campaigning group for the Greater Nottingham area. They work across Greater Nottingham, i.e. Nottingham City, Broxtowe, Rushcliffe and Gedling Boroughs.
Frack Free Nottinghamshire
Frack Free Notts is a non party political group that aims to prevent exploratory or extraction of shale gas / unconventional hydrocarbons within Nottinghamshire. They welcome anyone who wants to get involved in the fight against fracking.
Nottingham Fixers
A band of community volunteers who come together to share their skills to help others mend their broken items. Their aim is to prevent repairable things from ending up in the bin and to reduce the need for buying new items.
Website | Facebook
Greening Beeston
A group of local people whose aim is to help residents reduce the amount of energy and water that they use. They cover Beeston and the surrounding area.
Canopy 2050
Canopy 2050 is a community tree growing project. The objective is to increase the urban tree canopy to 30%, as per the national target. More trees mean cleaner air and a healthier environment for us to live in.
Canopy 2050 aims to do this by collecting seeds from specific native species and distributing them to volunteer tree guardians who plant them and care for the seedlings until the saplings are big enough to plant out (normally 2 years). Tree Guardians will then be able to plant them out in areas designated by the local council. You can see your trees grow from seed to sapling and then be able to plant them out and watch their continued growth into a tree that will benefit your local community.
Also focussing on streets with low or no tree cover and offering free trees and planting to residents.
Burton Joyce Climate Action Group
A group of people living in Burton Joyce, affiliated to Friends of the Earth, who are interested in tackling climate and biodiversity issues in the local community.
They are non-political. Please come and get involved.
Gedling Climate Group
A group of local people from all backgrounds united in their desire to make a change! They meet regularly to inform, explain and campaign about climate change.
Forest Town Nature Conservation Group (FTNCG)
Forest Town, Mansfield and environs
Their charitable object is to "promote for the benefit of the public the conservation, protection and improvement of the physical and natural environment in and around Forest Town".
Hockerton Housing Project
The Hockerton Housing Project is a small community of five earth sheltered homes built in 1998 on the outskirts of Hockerton, Nottinghamshire, UK. They run a not-for-profit co-operative which hosts tours, courses, and provides sustainability consultancy services.
The Sherwood Forest Trust
The Sherwood Forest Trust is a small charity based in Edwinstowe (Nottinghamshire) who work across the Sherwood Forest to protect, preserve and promote its habitats. They have been working for over 26 years getting local people 'hands on' with nature and heritage.
Website | Twitter | Facebook