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Transition Buxton Take on Former Council Plant Nursery

Transition Buxton's Food group, with volunteer support, is setting up 'The Serpentine Community Farm' - a community-run food education project - by transforming a run-down and derelict council nursery. The group’s objectives are to encourage more home-growing of veg by improve gardening and food preservation skills in the community; and to supply our produce to local kitchens.The group are currently seeking donations to pay for vital renovations, construction(glasshouse, composting toilet, raised beds, polytunnel) and obligations (soil tests, planning applications, insurance etc).

Donations can be made online:

More information:

The project has also featured on the national Transition Towns website:


Floods Cause Rise in Belief in Climate Change

The results of a new study show that the British public’s belief in climate change has risen over the past year to levels not seen since 2005. Researchers at the University of Nottingham and Cardiff University are attributing the rise, at least in part, to the flood of December 2013 and January 2014. Although is very difficult to attribute any single set of weather events to climate change, such extremes of weather are predicted to happen more frequently as the climate changes.

Plug to be Pulled on Tax Breaks for Community Energy

Many community energy schemes may struggle to get off the ground following an announcement that tax relief will be withdrawn from schemes launched after the end of March. In recent years some schemes have offered returns as high as 13% but some believe that returns could fall to 4.5% at most once the changes come into force. Some schemes are now in a race against time to get their share offer documents published as soon as possible.

Hayfield Sustainable Transport Ltd: Shared-Access Minibuses

Hayfield Sustainable Transport Ltd (HSTL) is conducting a community share offer to raise the capital required to buy a second minibus. This will provide organisations with access to minibuses without them needing to own one. They will be used by local schools, to reduce the cost of whole class trips, and by community groups for activities in the evenings and at weekends. The offer is live until 30th March 2015 and the minimum investment is £200.

Buy shares:

Find out more: or email:

Heating Support Scheme Available in Amber Valley

Amber Valley Borough Council have a small budget (circa £12,000) from repaid grants that they are able to offer to residents to help with heating repairs or tocontribute to replacement of a heating system. Apply via Metropolitan Home Improvement Agency who will support clients to match with other funding sources where applicable.

Apply: or contact Collette Watson on 01773 512076.