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Fuel Poverty Community Action Awards

Are you involved in a project that is tackling fuel poverty? If you are why not apply for a one of National Energy Action’s Community Action Awards, £1500 to help you further your work. There are regular deadlines throughout 2015 and into early 2016.

Join the Big Energy Race

Community groups are invited to join the Big Energy Race starting in January 2015. Register as teams and undertake energy-saving challenges. The more challenges completed, the more points you’ll earn and the better chance you’ll have of winning the race – and there’s great prizes for the best teams and team members, including a national prize of £20,000 for a community energy project.

To register your interest visit

Solid Wall Scheme Runs Out of Money in 24 Hours

A grant scheme for solid wall insulation for older homes ran out money within 24 hours of being launched. The Green Deal Home Improvement Fund offered up to £4000 towards the cost of insulating the walls of a home without cavity (typical pre-1930s homes). More funding is expected to be released in February, although this too is likely to run out quickly.

Plans to Replace the ‘Big Six’ with the ‘Big Six Thousand’

The Co-operative Party and SERA have set out their plans for Britain to develop a ‘Big Six Thousand’ of community-owned energy suppliers to challenge the dominance of the ‘Big Six’ in the energy market, providing a fairer deal for consumers and reducing their carbon footprint.
It sets out plans for the creation of a national community-owned renewable energy fund, community feed-in tariffs and renewable heat incentives as well as allowing community-owned energy groups to be able to supply energy direct to residents for the very first time.

New Mills Widen Their Horizon

13 members of Transition New Mills and some members of Sustainable Hayfield attended a Widening Horizons Workshop in November. The aim was to envision what New Mills and the Sett Valley would look like in a sustainable future using a process called ‘backcasting’. The group started with the future as they would like to see it in 10 years and worked out how they might get there. Idea include sustainable bio-diverse woodlands with fruit and nuts, bananas growing locally in greenhouses, and more than 3000 homes generating solar electricity.

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