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Great funding opportunities

Are you looking for funding for a community project or sustainable energy initiative? If so, the following links could be useful:

BESPOKE (Derby), Max. Value: £ 5,000, Deadline: 31 Dec 2014
A scheme in Derby city to improve the profitability of small businesses, including social enterprises, particularly those in the disadvantaged priority areas of the city, improve energy efficiency in the small business sector, raise energy and resource efficiency awareness amongst business owners and employees, reduce energy costs in order to increase business competitiveness and reduce the city's carbon footprint by at least 100 tonnes CO2.

Church and Community Fund, Max. Value: £ 20,000, Deadline: 31 Dec 2014
Funding is available to support community projects run by bodies associated with the Church of England.

Urban Community Energy Fund (England), Max. Value: Discretionary, Deadline: 22 Dec 2014
Grants and loans are available for incorporated community groups and parish councils to support renewable energy developments in urban areas of England.

Supporting Communities in Neighbourhood Planning, Max. Value: £ 7,000, Deadline: 01 Dec 2014
Grants and other support are available for town and parish councils, neighbourhood forums and prospective neighbourhood forums to draw up a neighbourhood plan or neighbourhood development order.

Public want urgent global action to tackle climate change

73% of people want world leaders to agree a global deal and 66% think action must happen now, according to a new Populus survey. The survey reveals an appetite for action on climate change by the UK public, with only 20% agreeing that it can wait a few years. But the survey also showed that just 40% of people recognise the potential impact of climate change on their lifestyle.

So, as the recent IPCC Synthesis report shows, the science is clear, but how will climate change impact what we do day-to-day, from a morning cup of coffee to the car we drive and the home we live in? DECC is teaming up with a huge range of organisations and individuals, such as the UN, Microsoft and the Natural History Museum to bring the issue to life.

On the 25th of November, a huge Twitter event was held about the impact of climate change and the actions that can be taken. The 10-hour global event was broken down into hourly slots, one after another, and each themed around a different subject such as health, cities and sport. There was a different expert for each session who responded to questions – submitted via Twitter – about how climate change will impact the featured subject matter or the action that can be taken.

Energy and Climate Change Secretary Ed Davey said: “We are at a global turning point – never before have so many countries made clear their determination to act to tackle climate change. Those governments are backed by a groundswell of people who want to see action in their own countries and around the world."

Get involved using the hashtag #BackClimateAction and follow @DECCgovuk.


Are smart tickets the way forward?

Fed up of having multiple tickets and passes for journeys around Nottinghamshire with different operators? Then have your say on whether Nottinghamshire should introduce integrated ‘smart tickets’.

Recycling of Unused Medicines Begins in Wirksworth

Wirksworth residents can now pass on surplus medicines to rural health centres in the poorest countries in Africa by taking them to Hannage Brook Medical Centre. The medicines will be passed to charity Inter Care. The practice will take any medicines with at least 15 months before expiry and in complete strips in the original pack. Nationally over 1200 GP practices are now registered for this scheme. Last year Inter Care sent off nearly £700,000 worth of vital aid to those who can't afford to buy it. Until this year any surplus medicines in Wirksworth could only be disposed of in landfill or by incineration.

Case Studies sought for “Community Organisations and Household Energy” project

Are you involved in or aware of any projects run by community groups or voluntary sector organisations that use home visits to support householders to carry out energy efficiency measures? This could mean “Green Doctor” schemes, volunteer-run energy audits, home visits for the elderly that incorporate energy saving advice, householders helping or advising each other, or much more.

Researchers at De Montfort University are working with the Chesshire-Lehmann fund to map what activity is taking place across the country, and to explore the impacts of these projects (on energy efficiency or otherwise), how these projects are set up and resourced, and how local and national government can best support this work.

They are looking for 12 projects to explore in more detail and are interested in hearing about as many projects as possible (big or small, urban or rural, on-going or no longer running).

If you know of any projects that may fit the bill, please get in touch with Dr Andrew Reeves at De Montfort University on or 0116 250 6569 with some details about the project and contact details. For more information about the research, see