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An Economic Blueprint for Buxton

Buxton is just one of eight towns in Europe that has been chosen to undertake an Economic Blueprint Project in 2014. The Economic Blueprint tool has been developed by the National Transition Network to inform decisions to improve the resilience of a local economy.


Members of Transition Buxton have been busy carrying out research and surveys for the blueprint. If you would like to find out more, including about when the results will be launched, contact Jean Ball:


Green Deal Home Improvement Fund to Open Again

The government will be re-launching the Green Deal Home Improvement Fund in November 2014. Full details of amounts of funding available per household and what it will fund are still to come.

Originally launched in June 2014 the fund provided grants of up to £7600 to householders to install measures such as solid wall insulation and new boilers. It was originally allocated £50M but this ran out in just six weeks. In November it will be allocated £100M.

Pledge: Plastics campaign aims to boost bottle recycling

Derbyshire County Council are urging residents to support a national campaign designed to boost plastic recycling rates.

Organised by the charity Recoup, the Pledge 4 Plastics campaign is encouraging people in the UK to recycle just one more plastic bottle each week.

More info:


Live4Less Train the Trainers Course

Places are available on MEA's next Live4Less Train the Trainers Course, taking place on 2nd October in Shrewsbury.

Book now by contacting Caroline Harmon@ 07748 508704 /

Live4Less is MEA's unique action learning course which helps individuals and families to live more sustainably in an 'age of austerity'. It facilitates 'crowdwisdom' and peer-to-peer learning, encouraging participants to share knowledge of local services, tips and tricks for living well for less. The course generates discussion and reflection on consumption and frugality, sharing resources and swapping skills. A brochure with more information is attached.

Topics covered include: budgeting, energy efficiency, utilities, food, travel and volunteering.

People attending the course will be better able to manage their finances, make savings on their living costs and understand what their priority payments are. They will be able to share their knowledge of how to do this with friends, family and neighbours.

Our Train the Trainer course offers you everything you need to run the course yourself:

Led by an experienced trainer who has delivered the direct course themselves
Offers the opportunity to have a go at sections of the course for yourself
You will have electronic access to all handouts, session plans and other resources after the course

The course is ideal for anyone working with people living on a low income. It will be useful for Financial Inclusion Officers and Tenant Engagement Officers within Housing Associations, front line staff in Local Authorities, and Adult Education Trainers working with those who are struggling with their finances.

Places cost £199+VAT and include a short lunch time tour of our eco friendly offices in Shrewsbury. The venue is less than a five minute walk from Shrewsbury train station.

Book now by contacting Caroline Harmon@ 07748 508704 /

More information:


Climate Change March a Great Success

Nottingham and Derby networks met up on 21 September at the peoples climate change march in Nottingham. They were joining hundreds of thousands of people around the world who were demanding action on climate change two days before world leaders gather in New York for an emergency climate change summit.

More info: