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USmart Consumer: public preferences on household energy information and smart meters

Would you be willing to lend us a hand? USmart Consumer is an EU research project that explores useful services to help people reduce their fuel bills, linked with the roll out of new metering technology.

We’d like to find out your preferences about:

  • how you like to learn about your home fuel use
  • services that could help you reduce your fuel bills linked to new metering technology.

Please can you complete our short survey. By completing it and telling us what is most important to you, better services can be designed to meet your needs. Any information will only be used anonymously by the USmart Consumer project for research purposes.

USmart Consumer public preferences survey


National News in Brief


Help Shape the Future of the Community Energy Sector in England

Community Energy England


Community Energy England and SE2 are running an online survey that will help shape the provision of advice, information and support to the community energy sector.

You can complete the survey at:

It should take around 15-20 minutes (a little longer for more experienced community energy practitioners). The survey will run until noon on Monday 22 September.

The government’s Community Energy Strategy recognises that community energy groups and projects would benefit from better access to information and support that would help take projects from ideas to reality. The Strategy includes the idea of establishing an information resource to help build capability and capacity within the sector. DECC has asked Community Energy England to carry out a scoping study for this information resource. Working with SE2 Ltd, Community Energy England will be mapping the information, advice and support that is already available to community energy groups and identifying the role that an information resource could play and the benefits it could bring.



Community Action Awards 2014-16. Tackling fuel poverty together in local communities

Apply for phase 1 before 3 October 2014

Are you involved in an exciting, innovative project to tackle fuel poverty in your local community?

The Community Action Awards will recognise best practice amongst those who are working to tackle fuel poverty and improve energy efficiency in their local communities. Supported by the Department of Energy and Climate Change and British Gas, the scheme will run from 2014-16 with a total of 25 awards made to community groups, third sector organisations, health agencies, local authorities and other public and not-for-profit organisations in England and Wales that demonstrate innovative approaches to tackling fuel poverty.

Winners will receive £1,500 to develop or enhance their project; a free place at the NEA Annual Conference; and practical and financial support to hold a community celebration event.

The published deadlines are:

  • Phase 1 -  3 October 2014
  • Phase 2 -  7 January 2015
  • Phase 3 -  17 April 2015
  • Phase 4 – 2 October 2015
  • Phase 5 – 8 January 2016

For further information and to apply go to or contact Nina Dunlavy on 0191 269 2935.

Save green deal by offering financial incentives to households, MPs say

Green deal energy efficiency : Cavity wall insulation

Report advocates council tax discounts and stamp duty rebates to revive flagship energy efficiency scheme.

Stamp duty discounts, variable council tax rates and other financial incentives should be offered to help households reduce energy bills and revive the government’s flagship conservation initiative, a group of MPs has urged in a scathing report.