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Community Share Offers

Wester Derry Wind Co-op

A community share offer is currently under way for Wester Derry Wind Co-op near Perth for a 250kW turbine. Planning permission has been granted and the turbine is currently being made in Germany. The total being sought is £800,000, with good projected returns. It’s a sparsely populated area so the co-op welcomes members from further afield- see

Leominster Sunrise

A new primary school is being built complete with a 90kW solar array owned by Leominster Sunrise Co-operative. The array will save around 720 tonnes of CO² in total and save the school at least £2500 on their energy bills yearly. For share offer details see


Nottinghamshire Fuel Switching Service Launches

The Nottinghamshire Climate Change Partnership has launched an online fuel tariff switching service to help residents compare tariffs for electricity and gas.


Can you help Grindleford Primary School?

The PTA at Grindleford Primary School is considering options for installing solar photovoltaic panels. They would like to talk to others who have installed solar within the Peak Park about their experiences.

If you can help please contact Helen Illingworth:


GRANT: Green Deal Home Improvement Fund

Householders can now access up to £7600 in cashback from the government towards energy efficiency improvements such as solid wall insulation, heating and glazing. Up to 100% of the cost, to a maximum of £1000, is available if you install two measures from a list of 12. Up to 75% of the cost of solid wall insulation, to a maximum of £6000, is available – possibly the best offer ever available on solid wall insulation. The fund opened in June 2014 for one year. Current rates are guaranteed until £50M has been spent and may then change. There is more information on our website.