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Chesterfield’s Repair Café Hits the National News

Transition Chesterfield’s monthly Repair Café got a mention in a national news article in April: Find out when they’re holding their next one and take along your broken items for repair:

May Community Climate Action Newsletter Out Now

Our May newsletter is out now and packed full of local events and news, and national news, on climate change.

Read it online

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How good is your local area at sustainable energy?

The Centre for Susainable Energy has created the Local Sustainable Energy Assessment Matrix – a paper and pen assessment tool to help community organisations, local authorities or anyone else who is interested to benchmark their area’s current performance and identify and prioritise opportunities for improvement. A starting point for any local energy action should be to assess the current ‘state of play’. Until you know what’s already going on and how good it is relative to what could be done, setting priorities risks duplicating effort or missing obvious opportunities.


There's Bright Green Future for 14-17 Year Olds

Bright Green Future is a programme looking for young people aged 14-17, with an interest in the environment and climate change, to take part in a two year programme starting in September 2017.

Joining Bright Green Future will help young people to gain the knowledge, skills and confidence to embark on a career path which could influence decisions on energy and climate change, and really make a difference to our planet! Participants will carry out activities including low carbon local projects, a training and learning programme, a work placement and a residential summer school and will receive mentoring from staff at the charity Centre for Sustainable Energy. More information and an application form:

Onshore Wind Guidance Now Available for Community Energy Groups

Community groups that are interested in developing onshore wind projects can now download a 32 page guidance note from the Centre for Sustainable Energy to help them identify suitable areas for development in their Neighbourhood Plan. Changes to the planning regime in 2015 mean that onshore wind will only be granted planning permission if the proposed development site is in an area identified as suitable by a Local or Neighbourhood Plan. Find out more and download the note: