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Food Waste App Launched in Derbyshire Goes Nationwide

A free app, designed to prevent food waste and launched in Swadlincote earlier this year, is now available nationwide.

OLIO connects neighbours with each other and with local businesses so surplus food can be shared, not thrown away. This could be food nearing its sell-by date in local stores, spare home-grown vegetables, bread from your baker, or the groceries in your fridge when you go away. OLIO was launched in Swadlincote earlier this year as part of the town’s Waste Less, Save More campaign and is now available across the UK.

Paris Agreement Comes into Force & COP22 Begins

The Paris Climate Agreement, negotiated and signed by 195 heads of states last December at the COP21 meeting as a global response to climate change, came into force on 4th Novembe 2016. At that point 105 countries representing more than 75% of global emissions had ratified the agreement in their own country, with more doing so all the time. The UK has promised to join the agreement but has not yet done so.
As we write, governments are meeting at COP22 in Marrakech to discuss how to ensure we meet the Paris agreement’s targets. The challenge now is to make sure emissions do not rise above the agreed limit of 1.5° above pre-industrial levels. Current production of oil and gas alone could take us past this point. is running a petition calling on governments to freeze new fossil fuel developments.
More information on what was required for the Paris Accords to come into force:

Help Transition New Mills Raise Funds


Any donations made to Transition New Mills through the group’s Local Giving website before the end of April will be matched with lottery cash. The group could receive up to £500 in match funding to be spent on their various environmental-based projects.
There is still time for other groups to sign up to Local Giving’s campaign and receive similar match funding:

Fracking Applications to be Considered by Nottinghamshire County Council

Nottinghamshire County Council will resume considerations for two shale gas exploration sites at Misson, Bassetlaw at a council meeting on Tuesday 15th November. Councillors delayed their decision on the application, the first for shale gas in the county, after a warning from a legal adviser to Friends of the Earth that approval could allow illegal actions to be carried out on the site.

A second Nottinghamshire IGas application, to drill a shale gas well at Tinker Lane, (A634) between Blyth and Barnby Moor, has been scheduled for discussion by the planning committee meeting on 20th December 2016 or at a standalone meeting near this date.

More information:

The Problem with Renewable Energy (and how we’re fixing it)

This video usefully explains the problem within renewable energy production and distribution of grid supply and demand imbalances and what can be done to solve it.