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Comments Still Being Accepted on Derbyshire Fracking Application

Comments on a planning application for an exploratory well for shale gas at Bramleymoor Lane, near Marsh Lane in Derbyshire are still being accepted desipte the formal consulation period having ended.

The application, the first of its kind in Derbyshire, was submitted by INEOS. The official deadline for objections was 10th  August 2017 but comments are still being taken.

Anyone can object to a planning application, though more weight is given to people directly affected, such as local residents. Derbyshire County Council's Planning Committee will make the decision to approve or reject the application, although the Government can ultimately overrule a decision to reject fracking, as they have done in Lancashire.

Transition Chesterfield has produced guidance on objecting to the application on their website.

All information relating to the planning application can be found here and here.

Common Concerns About Wind Power: Second Edition Published

A popular booklet exploring common concerns about wind power has been updated to reflect reflect legal, economic and political changes since 2011. The second edition is now available online:

90 Percent Chance Global Temperature Rise will Exceed Paris Target

A study by the University of Washington has shown that global temperatures are very likely to rise by more than 1.5 degrees, the target set by the 2016 Paris Agreement. ‘Our analysis shows that the goal of 2 degrees is very much a best-case scenario,’ said lead author Adrian Raftery. ‘It is achievable, but only with major, sustained effort on all fronts over the next 80 years. Our analysis is compatible with previous estimates, but it finds that the most optimistic projections are unlikely to happen. We’re closer to the margin than we think.’

The full article:

Earth Overshoot Day: We’ve Used Up 2017’s Resources Already

Humanity has already used a year’s worth of planetary resources such as water, soil and clean air. Research organisation Global Footprint Network (GFN) declared 2nd August the earlier Earth Overshoot Day ever. This is the day when, since the start of the year, we’ve already used all the resources the earth can regenerate in a year. GFN have calculate that we’ve been overshooting every year since 1971 and it’s occurring earlier each year.

If we could delay Earth Overshoot Day by an extra 4.5 days each year we could be back on track to using the earth’s resource sustainably by 2050. To help achieve this the organisation has launched a mobile friendly ecological footprint calculator:

Help Whistlewood Common Raise Another £8000.

Whistlewood Common, a Derbyshire-base community-owned woodland, is just £8000 away from raising £60,000 for its latest project. The project has been promised £30,000 of match funding for a new ecobuild community roundhouse, but only if it can raise another £30,000 in shares from the public by the end of August. Currently it is £8000 short of this target.

Whistlewood is not a club or merely a piece of land, a place to play or a venue, it's a community of people who are doing groundbreaking things to help make the vision of a better future a reality

You can help by purchasing shares: