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Survey on Reducing Household Waste

A researcher trying to find out if online shopping is encouraging us to reduce the amount of food we waste would like to hear from you.

If you'd like to help Jame McGowan find out if internet shopping for our food can really help us throw away less food, please respond to his survey by Fri 31st July.


Want to attend a Community Climate Action Network Conference?

We’re considering putting on a one-day conference for individuals and community groups in Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire who are taking action on climate change. We would like to find out if there is sufficient interest in this and, if so, what you would like to get out of such a conference. Similar events have proved popular in the past. Please note: this would be subject to funding being available and we’re not making any promises!

In order to help us decide please spend five minutes completing this short survey: 

Please complete the survey by Sunday 26th July.

You will then be entered into a draw to win a copy of The Astronaut, The Cake and Tomorrow by Matt Sisson, a Nottinghamshire-based author. This book looks at the connections between our environmental and economic crises and the better world that could emerge if we can find the imagination and political will to bring it in to 

Everything You Always Wanted to Know About The U.N. Climate Talks

This November will see historic global talks in Paris on climate change. Find out more about the talks and their potential impact with this guide, the first in a series by Environmental Journalist Fiona Harvey, which addresses such questions as ‘What is supposed to happen in Paris?’, ‘What is at stake?’, and ‘What can go wrong?.’

Paddy O’Connell’s Zero Food Waste Challenge

The radio presenter Paddy O'Connell is embarking on a zero food waste challenge. Learn more about it, and join him: (23:04 minutes in).

Pope Calls for Action on Climate Change

Pope Francis has released a 180-page encyclical on the environment, calling for action on climate change and for the world’s rich nations to pay their “grave social debt” to the poor. The release of the statement has been timed to coincide with the Pope’s upcoming visit to the US, where he will speak before the United Nations and a joint session of the Congress. In the encyclical, Pope Francis argues that we are in the midst of an “ecological crisis” and that climate change is a “global problem with serious implications”.