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Onshore Wind Farm Subsidies to End In 2016

Government subsidies for onshore wind farms are to end on 1st April 2016, a year earlier than initially laid out by the Tory-Liberal Democrat coalition. There will be a grace period for projects that already have planning permission. According to figures from the DECC, in 2014 over £800m of Government subsidies helped onshore wind to generate 5% of the UK’s total electricity, and the UK is well on the way to meeting its climate change targets for 2020.

Since then, the government’s climate change advisors have asked the government to explain how this withdrawal of support will affect the cost of meeting our greenhouse gas emission targets and urgently set out plans for alternative electricity generation. Wind is the UK’s cheapest renewable energy source and any alternative plan is expected to cost more. The government must respond to this request by the autumn.

In another move that could further impacts the development of wind, the government has also announced that new planning rules will means wind turbines will only get the go-ahead if they have been clearly backed by local people in a Local or Neighbourhood Plan. (See the item below titled ‘Neighbourhood Planning Support’ if you would like support in this area.)

9000 People Take Part in 'For the Love of' Lobby

We all love something that could be affected by climate change - from your morning coffee, to walks on the beach, or your local community.

Which is why on a beautiful sunny day in Westminster, 9000 people from around the UK came together to speak up for what they loved, to over 330 MPs. The message to leaders was loud and clear - act now to protect what we love from climate change.

It was an incredible day. Find out what happened in this roundup of highlights, and check out a photo gallery to see everyone who joined in, from beekeepers to surfers, from snowboarders to nuns.

People spoke up, and the government listened. The Energy & Climate Secretary said: 'politicians can’t deliver on the ambition without the public saying ‘We need you to do this’. So I really welcomed the campaigning today… Perhaps not all MPs have engaged with this to the same level, but today they had to do so, and that was quite an achievement.'

If you weren't able to be there, there's still time to take action - send your MP a message now and tell them what you love and want to protect.

Tell Your Story to Paris!

The Transition Network has launched a search for 21 inspiring stories to tell at the December COP21 conference. In December world leaders meet in Paris to negotiate a global climate treaty. Transition Network is planning to celebrate by creating a booklet, in many languages, telling the story of 21 diverse and amazing stories, as well as celebrating many more on our website over the next few months.

Wouldn't it be great if at least one of those stories was from a group in Nottinghamshire or Derbyshire? Take 10 minutes to tell them your story by 21st June and it might be!

Your story could be large or small. It could be a project or a process, a partnership that really worked, or a group that really made things happen. It could be of new community gardens created, events that had impact, imaginative ways of saving energy, of people connecting, learning and having fun together. It could be about stuff that was built, or relationships strengthened, things that increased the sense of resilience and wellbeing in your area. What would you like representatives at COP21 to hear? Stories that show that a positive way of living with less is already happening?  With your help the Transiton Network can infuse COP21 with a sense of what's possible.

Take a few minutes to fill in the simple form online and your story might be chosen.

A Climate Change Poem a Day

Carol-Ann Duffy, the UK’s Poet Laureate, has curated a collection of 20 poems about climate change:  

Community Energy Group Survey

Carbon Co-op have launched a survey to find out more about the activities of community energy groups across the UK in delivering energy efficiency and retrofit projects. Carbon Co-op are one of the leading organisations offering whole house retrofits and energy efficiency improvements in their area and they’d like to help other groups to do similar things by developing a set of online tools. The survey is designed to understand the state of the sector, the relative interest in carrying out energy efficient retrofit and to understand some of the barriers to this.