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BBC Looking for Eco Homes for TV Series

Have you ever fancied a Home Swap Holiday? BBC One are looking for families, couples and friends who live in flats/homes in across the UK and would be happy to try a 3 day home swap holiday for a new TV series.

Do you live in a home or flat you'd be happy to swap with someone elsewhere in the UK for a short break? Would you like to see someone else experience the eco way of life whilst you have a three day break in a different area.
This would be perfect for a family/couple/pair of friends who want a short getaway. It would also be a good way to show off an Eco House and a sustainable way of living. Filming dates are 3 days between mid-July and the end of August.
For more information email or call 020 8008 3573 .

Government Ends Support For Flagship Programme for Energy Efficient Homes

The government has announced it will cut all further funding to the Green Deal Finance Company, and also end grants for solid wall insulation and other energy efficiency measures. This is likely to lead to the company immediately halting the issuing of new loans.

The Green Deal offered loans to help people install measures such as insulation, boilers and renewables. The government launched it in 2013 claiming it would create the ‘biggest home improvement programme since the second world war’. In reality, an upfront cost for an assessment and an uncompetitive interest rate has meant that only 15,000 loans have been issue or are currently in progress.

The Green Deal Home Improvement Fund (GDHIF) offered grants of up to £6000 at one point for solid wall insulation and up to £1250 for householders who installed two measures from a list of 11, plus further funding for people who had recently bought their house.

The government says it still has a target to insulate more than 1 million homes in the next five years but it currently has no specific plans for replacing the Green Deal or the GDHIF. It says it will now work with the building industry and consumer groups on a ‘new value-for money approach.’

The move to scrap the Green Deal follows recent moves to scrap subsidies for onshore wind, proposals one year earlier than a pre-election promise, remove preliminary accreditation for renewable schemes and scrap a target of all new homes being built to zero carbon standards by next year.

In a statement Daisy Sands, Greenpeace UK Head of Energy said: ‘The Green Deal was far from being a success, but coming right after the scrapping of the zero-carbon homes target, this latest move suggests ministers are giving up on efficiency. This would be a false economy. Fixing our heat-leaking homes is a triple-win policy that can bring down bills, cut carbon emissions, and reduce our dependence on energy imports. If ministers really want to cut emissions at the lowest price for consumers, they can't afford to ditch energy efficiency. A new, ambitious programme for warmer homes is sorely needed.’

The Government has commissioned an independent review to look at standards, consumer protection and enforcement of energy efficiency schemes and ensure that the system properly supports and protects consumers. For now the Energy Company Obligation (ECO) scheme will continue to provide support to low-income and vulnerable households, offering measure such as insulation and boilers. However, its future will be considered by this review.

Today’s announcement has no impact on existing Green Deal Finance Plans or existing Green Deal Home Improvement Fund applications and vouchers.

Ways to Communicate Climate Change More Effectively

Have you ever struggled with the communication of climate change uncertainties? Are you frustrated by climate sceptics using uncertainty – inherent in any area of complex science – as a justification for delaying policy responses?

COIN has published a free guide to help you communicate the risks of climate change more effectively. Useful for when you're having a discussion with your friends! The Uncertainty Handbook can be downloaded for free.

COIN will be launching the guide with a webinar on 9th September.


Job Opportunity: Develop a 'Warm Homes on Prescription Programme' in Nottinghamshire

The Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire Local Authorities’ Energy Partnership (LAEP) is recruiting a full time Programme Manager to develop and manage the delivery of a Nottinghamshire-wide ‘Healthy Housing’ affordable warmth programme. The programme will provide energy efficiency improvements and advice to householders, targeting people in fuel poverty and with long-term health conditions made worse by living in cold, damp homes.

The post holder will be an experienced project manager. Experience of delivering domestic energy efficiency and/or affordable warmth projects will be essential, along with the ability to design and manage a complex work programme.

The post will be based at Newark and Sherwood District Council but the postholder will work with all seven district councils and all six Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) in Nottinghamshire.

More information


Enter the Nottingham Post Environmental Awards

Are you taking action to help the local environment or do you know someone who is?

Then why not nominate them for the Nottingham Post Environmental Awards? This is a great chance for community groups, individuals and organisations in Nottinghamshire who are taking action on climate change and other envrionmental issues to get their work recognised.

Enter now, read about some of the entires already made, or find out what difference an award has made to some of last year's winners.

Nominations close on 28th August at midday.