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Report Looks Into Selling Energy Locally

Local communities could break the domination of the ‘Big Six’ energy companies by generating their own power and supplying it back to local people, according to a new report written by leading south west law firm Stephens Scown and RegenSW. The report calls on government and regulators to change the rules to enable local energy supply models to flourish.

DECC Announces FIT Consultation

DECC have announced a consultation into a number of proposed policy changes, the most significant of which for community groups is the removal of preliminary accreditation under the feed-in-tariff (FIT).

Preliminary accreditation allows potential projects to know what rate of FIT they will receive before their project is commissioned and critics fear that removing this will create a level of uncertainty that stops projects going ahead. Responses to the consultation must be made by 19th August.

DECC Faces 90% Cuts to Staff Budget

The UK’s Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) faces cuts of 90% to its ‘resource spending’, much of which is its staff budget, within three years. Eight leading energy academics have written to Oliver Letwin, the minister in charge of the cabinet, to express concern that the cuts could undermine the UK’s ability to deliver climate policy.

‘Climate Change Should Be Taken As Seriously As Nuclear War’ – UK Minister

Baroness Joyce Anelay, Minister of State at the Commonwealth and Foreign Office, has said in a foreword to a foreign office report that the threat of climate change should be taken as seriously as that of nuclear war. The report assesses the potential dangers of unchecked global warming, which include: threats to global security, an increased risk of terrorism, lethal heat levels and unprecedented migration levels.

Job Opportunity: Develop a 'Warm Homes on Prescription Programme' in Nottinghamshire


The Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire Local Authorities’ Energy Partnership (LAEP) is recruiting a full time Programme Manager to develop and manage the delivery of a Nottinghamshire-wide ‘Healthy Housing’ affordable warmth programme. The programme will provide energy efficiency improvements and advice to householders, targeting people in fuel poverty and with long-term health conditions made worse by living in cold, damp homes.

The post holder will be an experienced project manager. Experience of delivering domestic energy efficiency and/or affordable warmth projects will be essential, along with the ability to design and manage a complex work programme.

The post will be based at Newark and Sherwood District Council but the postholder will work with all seven district councils and all six Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) in Nottinghamshire.

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