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Belper Group Creates Paris Handout of Climate Change Facts

Transition Belper has put together a handout of facts about climate change, ahead of the meeting of world governments in Paris in December to make a global agreement on climate change.

Contribute to the Derbyshire Cycling Plan

The draft Derbyshire Cycling Plan is available for input from the public. The consultation period closes on 30th September.

Vote for Local M&S Energy Fund Shortlisted Projects

Five community energy projects based in Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire have made it on to a shortlist of projects which are hoping to receive funding. If successful, they will win a share of £400,000. They include a youth club in Hyson Green which would like to install solar panels, a football club hoping to install a heat pump and an organisation that supports residents in deprived areas of Derby and would like to install solar panels. You can vote for as many projects as you like, but you can only vote for each one once! Voting closes on 30th September.

Abundance of Apples In Chesterfield

Transition Chesterfield's team of apple pickers will be out and about in September as part of their annual Abundance project. There are hundreds of fruit trees in Chesterfield where fruit goes to waste. Volunteers harvest the fruit and distribute it free of charge. Tree owners and volunteers get some, schools and nurseries get some, homeless shelters and communities get some, all free of charge. What can't be eaten gets juiced. Nothing is wasted.

Surplus apples will be pressed into juice at the Brampton Food Market as part of the Chatsworth Road Festival on Oct 3rd, together with a Seed Swap (don't forget to bring your spare seeds!)

If you would like to help harvest, store, transport or distribute fruit please contact Katy at

20MPH Speed Limits in Derbyshire’s Residential Areas?

Derbyshire County Council is looking at 20MPH speed limits following requests from a number of communities. They are currently running a survey to find out resident’s opinions.

See also: