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Community Energy Share Offer Success!

Harborough Solar One is an innovative scheme to enable the community to directly invest in solar panels on the roofs of Robert Smyth Academy and Archway House. Registered as a Community Benefit Society, investors will see an attractive return on their investment, the organisations hosting the solar panels on their roofs will enjoy cheaper electricity and a community fund will be established to alleviate fuel poverty and reduce carbon emissions.

The share offer closed on the 9th November and successfully raised the £183,600 to make the installation at these two sites a reality.

Contact Denise Marsdon on 01858 466 207 or email


Divest Derbyshire Alliance - Update

Divest DerbyshireInternationally so far $2.6tn has been divested from oil, coal and gas companies. This needs to be only tip of the iceberg.

'Derby Divest' was launched last month to add pressure to the movement for institutions and businesses to get their money out of fossil fuel investments. The campaign has passed the 100 signature mark and need your help to reach their target. Please, if not done so already, do sign, with Paris 2015 now in session it is the time to rally behind their cause.

 See Thomas Picketty and Tim Jackson article.


Transition Belper Candlelit Vigil

Transition Belper

Over seventy people braved the cold and windy weather to attend a climate change candlelit vigil on Belper Market Place last Sunday. Organisers from the newly formed Belper 'Inner Transition' Group were delighted with the turnout, which included a visit from Mayor Dan Booth and Deputy Mayor Gary Spendlove. One intrepid supporter cycled all the way from Nottingham in storm conditions to attend the event!

The Inner Transition group aim to focus on spiritual development, wellbeing, building community oneness, pursuing personal growth and strengthening our connection with the earth around us.

Belper Inner Transition on Facebook or contact Clair Michna

More time to have say: Nottinghamshire's first shale gas application

The consultation for people to give their views on a planning application for shale gas exploration in north Nottinghamshire has been extended by a further two weeks until 23rd December.

Nominate your Fuel Poverty Activists for £1500 Award

NEA Action for Warm HomesThe Community Action Award Scheme, supported by DECC and British Gas, recognises best practice amongst those who are working to tackle fuel poverty and improve energy efficiency in their local communities. In the current phase, five successful agencies will receive a grant of £1,500 and one full place at the NEA Annual Conference in 2016 including travel and accommodation, worth £500. The closing date for entries is 5.00pm on  8th January 2016.  
For more information and an application form go to Community Action Awards