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Fracking at Sherwood unites new rebel band

Campaigners fear a Swiss-based petro-chemical company could sink up to 500 wells in the area famed for Robin Hood and his band of merry men. After fracking was given the go-ahead near Kirby Misperton in North Yorkshire, opponents of shale gas extraction are wondering, “Where’s next?”

A prime candidate is Sherwood Forest, among several huge areas licensed to Ineos for shale gas extraction by the Government. Exploration work could begin within the next 12 months. Although the ancient woodland around Robin Hood’s Major Oak is protected from surface activities under new laws, fracking is allowed, as long as drilling is done outside its borders.

A group has been formed to fight the plans, while Ineos has held public meetings in a bid to calm fears. Greg Hewitt, of Frack Free Nottinghamshire, said: “Robin Hood would have defended Sherwood Forest. So must the people of Nottinghamshire.”

FUNDING: Foundation Derbyshire: The William & Griselda Kerr Fund

This new fund has been established to support groups that use the arts, such as music, dance and drama, to work with and help some of the most vulnerable in our society.

The Fund will also look at bids from groups using horticulture to develop skills, health and opportunities - this could be anything from gardening and allotments to farming.

Grants of up to £1,000 will be available.

Contact Sarah 01773 525863.

Energy Giant ‘Fires Starting Gun’ on East Midlands Fracking

AN ENERGY giant today “fired the starting gun” on its fracking programme by launching a seismic survey to pinpoint prime sites across swathes of northern England.

Ineos Shale said it was pressing ahead with plans to lodge test drilling applications by the end of the year, and using the summer to find the best sites for fracking in northern areas where it holds licences.

The firm said it was looking to set up meetings with parish and town councils in Yorkshire, Cheshire and the East Midlands in the coming weeks in a bid to “tackle public concern in areas close to potential exploration sites”.

Launch of anti-fracking group in Amber Valley

David Burley, a campaigner from South Yorkshire, spoke at an anti-fracking meeting recently in Alfreton, Amber Valley to about 50 people. The talk was excellent, as was the discussion.

The meeting was supported by Derby Climate Coalition, Unite the Community and Amber Valley 38 Degrees. The campaigners are organising a petition which can be signed here:


Further info:

Transition Leicester introduce 'Footpaths'.

Running for over 5 years, the Footpaths project is a way for people to meet and support each other to reduce their personal carbon footprints through a series of meetings facilitated by members and a useful handbook.