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Fantastic Home Tours Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire

Our mobile Fantastic Home vehicle and Energy Advisors have been busy over the last month visiting four summer events (sometimes braving the rain!) and giving out lots of advice on energy efficiency, fuel poverty and tackling climate change.


  • Spoken to 159 people
  • Given out freebies worth more than £300 which will save an estimated £9440 on utility bills, 7254kg of CO2 and 3,458,298ltr of water.

We've spoken to people about everything from how to switch energy supplier and getting heating oil from a bulk purchase scheme to how to install solid wall insulation on older homes and get solar panels.

Dozens of children (and grown ups who like bikes!) have tested their ability to produce energy by pedalling our WattBike and taken away our children's games sheets.

Photos from top to bottom: Seeing how much energy power pedal can produce at Beeston Carnival; the Festival of Leisure in Swadlincote, Peter all ready to offer advice at the Derbyshire Eco Centre Spring Fair near Wirksworth; the WattBike puts some local firefighters through their paces at Misterton Social Club Gala.



Northern Green Gathering Stewarding Opportunities

Derbyshire Dales based festival, Northern Green Gathering (NGG). Is looking for Stewards to help at this year’s festival which runs from 11th-14th August.

NGG is run by a group of volunteers and brings people together to educate, celebrate and debate a wide range of environmental issues. The Gathering is run on Greenfield sites and solely powered by renewable energy. Activities include a children’s area and parades, workshops for crafts, sustainable living, music, campaigns, a healing area, sauna and a communal bonfire. Only organic food is served in the festival’s cafes. Traditionally on a Saturday night there is a camp ball where people can let go and plunder the dressing up box.


In return for entry stewards complete three shifts of 6-8 hours. Meals are provided on the days that stewards work.

Free Trees for School, Community & Youth Groups


The Woodland Trust has 4,750 free tree packs to give away to schools, community and youth groups. Packs will be awarded on a first come first serve basis. All applicants need to do is find a suitable site and supply the volunteer planters and tree protection. The closing date for applying for a free pack is 7th September 2016.


Sign up for a Bright Green Future

A new programme is launching for 14-17 year olds who are interested in sustainability and caring for the environment and enthusiastic about gaining new skills and knowledge.

Bright Green Future is a two-year programme offering young people the chance to gain knowledge and experience, meet like-minded people, and make a difference in their local area. They will start to influence how decisions are made on energy and climate change, which could lead to a bright career in the sector.

The two-year programme is now open to applications for a September 2016 start. Applications closes on 17th July.

Help Buy A Veggie Bus for Rhubarb Farm

An organic farm which provides volunteering opportunities for isolated people and ruins a local veg bag scheme is raising funds to buy a new minibus – dubbed the ‘Veggie Bus’.

Rhubarb Farm is based near Langwith on the Nottinghamshire-Derbyshire border and has volunteers from both counties. Unfortunately, because of its rural location some volunteers find it very difficult to get to the farm. The Veggie Bus will pick them up and give them a lift home. Rewards for making a donation include the chance to name one of the farm’s chickens and the opportunity for businesses to see their logo on the bus.