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Funding Available to Support Vulnerable Households with Energy Advice

A new fund is available to help community organisations to deliver support serives for vulnerable households over this coming winter. Western Power Distribution are working with Centre for Sustainabe Energy to offer up to £20,000 per group is available to fund activities that help to identify those eligible for the Priority Service Register (PSR) and to give advice and support to people on the PSR with reducing their energy costs and improving the warmth of their homes. The PSR is available to households where someone is particularly vulnerable to interruptions in their energy supply (e.g. because of their age or long term health condition).

To be eligible for a grant, organisations need to be based in Western Power Distribution’s network area; most, but not all, of Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire is covered by WPD. If you’re unsure if you’re covered, please visit WPD's website. Deadline for applications is 29th July 2016.

Find out more and apply here

Foundation Derbyshire Looking for Projects to Fund


Foundation Derbyshire are on the hunt for some exceptional local projects to inspire our donor funds. Could your group or a group you know benefit from an injection of cash?

The organisation manages a number of grant funds. If you're a local group and have a project that needs funding simply call the grants team on 01773 525860 for a chat and they will see if one of thier funds might match with your need.

Futher Extension to Consultation on Test Drilling for Fracking in Nottinghamshire

Nottinghamshire County Council has further extended a consulation on a planning application for exploratory shale gas drilling in the Bassetlaw area following the release of new information.

The extension, which gives residents until 5th August to comment, follows the submission of additional information requested by the County Council from IGas to address specific issues including:

  • The geological reasons for choosing the site location
  • Local ecology issues including the submission of a breeding bird survey and an assessment of noise impact on the nearby Misson Training Area Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) with mitigation measures to reduce noise impact
  • An assessment of the cumulative landscape and visual impact of the proposed development with other tall structures in the surroundings (such as wind turbines).

The additional information is contained in a document titled ‘Reg 22 Further Information 07/07/2016’ and can be viewed at:

IGas has applied for planning permission to carry out test drilling to check the suitability of the rock for shale gas extraction. The application does not include any proposals for hydraulic fracturing, known as ‘fracking’.

Comments about the additional information supplied by IGas can be made:

By email:
In writing: Development Management, Nottinghamshire County Council, County Hall, West Bridgford, Nottingham NG2 7QP.

The additional information will be used by the County Council’s Development Management Team to prepare a report on the IGas planning application for consideration by members of the Planning and Licensing Committee later this year.

To allow time to review the submitted information and to undergo the necessary consultation process, the County Council has agreed with IGas to extend the determination period until 14 October.

For further information about shale gas development, including the role of other regulatory bodies and the issues the County Council can take into account when determining the application visit

Frack Free Nottinghamshire is a local group opposing Fracking in the area:

Brexit: The Environmental Implications




Ahead of the EU Referendum the Institute for European Environmental Policy produced a report looking at the likely consequences for the environment if we voted to leave the EU. If you’re now wondering what they might be you might want to take a look!

Meanwhile, the former Energy Secretary, Amber Rudd, insisted that the UK won’t turn its back on global efforts to tackle climate change as a result of the referendum result:


Some other thoughts on Brexit and the environment from around the Internet:

Possible New Rail Stations in Nottinghamshire

Nottinghamshire County Council has welcomed comments by that the Government may contribute towards the cost of extending the Robin Hood Line. The government has indicated that funding could be available to put towards a council-led project to bring rail services back to Edwinstowe, Ollerton and Warsop.