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Community Climate Action Network Conference

A great day that brought together a good mix of people from all over Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire and beyond. Loads of stories of innovative, inspiring and creative things happening across the sub-region.

Simon Redding from Transition Chesterfield, Emma Bridge from Community Energy England and George Marshall from Climate Outreach developed the theme of the power and value of social enterprise in engaging people in building a viable low carbon futures for our communities.

Discussion groups gave delegates the chance to find out more about a wide range of projects, tools and advice and to share their thoughts and feelings. A creative thread of community powered poetry was woven throughout the day.

New contacts and connections were made, the previously known caught up. New challenges and opportunities were assessed, plans were hatched. Inspiration was spawned.

Town market sees cost saving lights introduced

The installation of energy saving lights has been completed at Harborough Market which will lead to cost savings of over £11,000 a year. Harborough District Council has introduced the environmentally-friendly LED lights at its market building on Northampton Road, Market Harborough.

Harborough Market operators, Market Place, welcomed the works. Market Place and Harborough Market Manager, Sairah Butt said, “Following on from the installation of the solar panels on the market roof, it is great to see the council’s continued commitment to both the environment and to making the market financially sustainable. The market looks brighter and it has made a real difference to stallholders.”

Harborough Energy’s community solar project shelved

The Harborough Solar One scheme would have involved the installation of more than 600 solar panels at the Robert Smyth Academy on Burnmill Road and Archway Health Hub on Lubenham Hill. The 160kW installation would have produced an output of over 142,000 kWh each year.

However, due in part to the introduction of Government cuts that have come into force in the New Year, Harborough Solar One, amongst other proposed PV installations across the UK, will not now go ahead.

Housing crisis strengthens devolution case

Devolving powers from central Government to local councils could provide new opportunities to tackle the 'acute housing crisis' in the region, according to The National Housing Federation.

Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire Devolution

A document has been published highlighting key benefits of devolution for residents and businesses of Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire. The deal document, which sets out the final negotiating position of the Council and business leaders behind the bid, was sent to Chancellor George Osborne and Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government, Greg Clark just before Christmas.