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Government Failing on Low Carbon Energy

Clean energy technologies are not being deployed quickly enough to tackle climate change, and if we don’t change this we can expect global temperature rises of 6°C by the end of the century according to a new report from the International Energy Agency.
According to Tackling Clean Energy Progress the good news is the use of more ‘mature’ renewables such as onshore wind and solar photovoltaics, has grown over the last decade and in some countries the cost of solar PV has fallen by 75% in three years – proving that rapid change is possible. The bad news is that most clean energy technologies are not on track to make their required contribution to reducing carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions and thereby provide a more secure energy system.
The report recommends promoting energy efficiency, encouraging clean energy techonologies and accelerating energy innovation.,26624,en.html

Are You an Energy Assessor or Home Inspector?

 Are you a qualified energy assessor or home inspector and interested in securing work under the forthcoming Green Deal? If so, Asset Skills wants to hear from you. Asset Skills has received £1 million from the government to ensure that there are at least 1000 qualified Green Deal Advisors ready for the launch of the Green Deal. To become one of the first Green Deal Advisors (domestic and non-domestic), energy assessors or home inspectors will need to train for a new qualification, available in July. We want to hear from qualified energy assessors and home inspectors in England, Wales and Scotland who would like to train for the role.

If you are a ‘ready and able learner’ interested in training as a Green Deal Advisor please contact Lucy Radford: or 0845 678 2888.

Money For Fuel Poor Remains Unspent

An estimated 25% of a fund designed to help the poorest stay warm in their homes remained unspent at the end of March. Changing criteria for the Warm Front scheme and a lack of publicity both contributed to the fund not being claimed and fuel-poor households losing out according to the charity National Energy Action (NEA).
Warm Front, which closed at the end of March, provided heating and insulation improvements worth up to £6000 to households on certain income-related benefits living in properties that were poorly insulated and/or did not have a working central heating system. New, more rigorous criteria was applied in April 2011 and applications dropped off.
NEA and Consumer Focus ran a late joint awareness raising campaign towards the end of the schemes life to try to rectify the situation and this saw weekly applications to the scheme increase by 150%. The unspent money will be absorbed back into the treasury.

Bee a Supporter of the Bees!

 Bees are vital to our food supply, our economy and our quality of life. Yet British bee numbers have fallen dramatically in recent years and the way we farm our food and plan our towns and cities is making the problem worse.
Sign Friends of the Earth’s petition which is calling for the creation of a National Bee Action Plan.

Focus Group: Smart Grid Technologies and Energy Usage

MRFGR, a market research company, is currently looking for 18 respondents for a 3 hour focus group/workshop discussion in Hockerton (Nottinghamshire). The workshop will take place on 30th April from 1pm04pm and will look at energy usage and "smart grid" technologies in the home. Those in attendance will receive £50 as a 'thank you' for their input.

If you would like to be considered for the research then you need to complete a short 'screener' to determine your suitability: