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Low Carbon Community Handbook

Low Carbon Communities has produced a handbook for community groups working to tackle climate change. It covers topics such as how to set up a group, how to get media coverage and how to communicate climate change.

FUNDING: Enriching Nature Programme

Applications are invited for projects with a focus on a species or habitat that has been identified as a priority by the UK Biodiversity Action Planning Process. Up to £120,000 is available per project. There are four deadlines over the next year.

FUNDING: One Destination Carbon Fund

Using voluntary donations from British Airways customers, the One Destination Carbon Fund provides low interest loans to organisations looking to install renewable energy technologies. British Airways recognise that community renewable energy projects not only reduce carbon emissions but can deliver many other benefits. Benefits might be reducing a school's operating costs, educating people about climate change or generating an income for a charity not to mention helping the UK to meet its carbon reduction targets.

Cromford Shares

Cromford Shares is a new project run by Global Action Plan which is looking at how people share things within a village and how we can make sharing easier.
The project is making use of EcoModo – a website which allows individuals to lend and borrow things within their community. Community groups can register as a ‘good cause’ on the website and raise funds by asking people borrowing things to make a donation.
More on Cromford Shares:
More on EcoModo:
Tom Veitch of Global Action Plan is interested in hearing from others who feel that a project like Cromford Shares could benefit their community or organisation: or 07905 534 580.

Free Paint on Offer in Nottinghamshire

 Nottinghamshire County Council are running some one off events at Calverton and Worksop Household Waste Recycling Centres this summer where Nottinghamshire residents can pick up some free paint from our Community RePaint schemes.
Unwanted/surplus paint is accepted at both of these sites and site staff open each tin to check each donation. Any tins that are at least half full of reusable paint are stored separately in our shelved reuse container and are given away for free. We give this paint to community groups who are registered on our scheme throughout the year but as we have an excess of reusable paint, we're opening the scheme up to members of the public.
Calverton: May 31st, June 28th, July 26th, August 30th, Sept 27th, Oct 25th
Worksop: July 19th, Sept 20th
To book a timeslot, residents should call Veolia Environmental Services on 0115 8505900.
Community groups wishing to register on the scheme to access free paint throughout the year should visit to download an application form.