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Newark Retrofit Households Achieve Energy reduction of 78.6%

 Two houses in Newark that were retrofitted with renewable technologies and energy saving features in 2010 have achieved energy use reductions of more than 75%. One of the two homes has the same tenants who were living in it before it was retrofitted. In the last 12 months they have used 78.6% less energy than they did before the work was done. This equates to a 57.9% reduction in carbon emissions.
Read more about the project here:

Gardening Opportunities in Chesterfield

Transition Chesterfield is involved in a gardening project called Garden Buds. The project allows people who have gardens they don’t look after, for whatever reason, to offer the space to someone who has the time and inclination to tend it. The scheme is being trialled in Holmebrook and Rother ward and needs both gardens and gardeners. Gardens must be in the ward, but gardeners can be from anywhere (although preference will be given to those who are more local).
If you are interested please contact Helen Stockton:

3000 People Sign up for People Power!

 A Derbyshire based not-for-profit organisation seeking to lower people’s energy bills has recruited 3000 people who would like take part in a collective energy switch. Once 5000 people are signed up the organisers will negotiate lower energy bills for everyone involved.
Anyone can sign up at:

Free Seeds From The Lorax

 To celebrate the opening of The Lorax in the cinemas in July, the makers of the film are giving away free seeds. Search for the ‘The Lorax’ on Facebook for more information.

Warm Front

 In the last issue of this newsletter we reported that not all of Warm Front funding for 2011-12 had been spent. This year the Department for Energy and Climate Change are keen to make sure the available funding is spent and that it reaches those who need it.
Warm Front provides items such as new boilers, draught proofing and insulation to homes where there is no working central heating system and/or the property is badly insulated and one or more member of the household is on certain benefits. Work done can be worth up to £3500 per household or £6000 if oil central heating is being used.
If you know of someone who may be eligible please ask them to contact Warm Front: