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Plans to Include Air Travel in Emissions Trading Scheme

An advisor to the EU Court has said that plans to include any airline landing or take off on EU territory in an emissions trading scheme are legal. Juliane Kokott, Advocate General made the statement in response to a challenge from North American airlines initially made at a London court and then referred to the European Court of Justice. Whilst an official ruling will not be made until next year, the Advocate General’s opinion will be followed in most cases until then. Aviation is estimated to account for 3% of total carbon dioxide emissions and yet airlines do not pay any tax on fuel.

UK Energy and Climate Change Minister, Greg Barker welcomed the opinion of the Court advisor: ‘The aviation industry, in the same way as other industries, needs to play its part in reducing emissions.’


UK Provides £1 Billion to Tackle Climate Change in Developing Countries

The UK has allocated more than two thirds of its Fast Start Finance, which is helping the poorest and most vulnerable to adapt to climate change, putting it well on track to meet its £1.5bn commitment by the end of 2012. Developed countries pledged to provide approaching $30 billion of Fast Start Finance between 2010-12 at the Copenhagen climate talks in 2009, with the UK contributing £1.5bn.

Fast Start finance for 2011 and 2012 is funded from the UK government’s £2.9bn International Climate Fund (ICF). The ICF aims to help developing countries tackle climate change and adapt to the effects of global warming. Projects include £150 million to fund the Clean Technology Fund which will support project such as low carbon public transport systems and promote energy efficiency in Nigeria. It is expected these projects will save 47 million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent.

Help With Fuel Poverty

A new website can help you to work out if you are in fuel poverty and find assistance to get out of it. Turn to Us have developed a website which allows you to calculate if you are spending more than 10% of your income on fuel bills (the government’s definition of fuel poverty), check you are receiving all benefits you are entitled to and search for grants toward energy efficiency improvements for your home.



Risks of No Action on Climate Change

The results of a new scientific assessment on the physical impacts of climate change for more than 20 countries show that if greenhouse gas emissions are left unchecked global temperatures will rise between 3-5°C this century. This could be accompanied by significant changes in rainfall patterns, leading in many cases to increased pressure on crop production, water stress and flood risks.

It is generally accepted that to give ourselves the best chance of avoiding the worst impacts of climate change the rise in global temperature needs to be kept at below 2°C. The study shows that some of the most significant impacts of climate change could be reduced significantly if we do take action.

Energy Share Awards Made!

Four community groups have been awarded funding in the first round of the Energy Share scheme. Two hydro projects in Hexham and Shrewsbury, plus a photovoltaic project in Barnstaple and a wind project in Edinburgh, will receive funding to make their projects a reality. Almost 1000 groups applied in the first round with future rounds set to distribute millions of pounds.