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Want a Car Share in Your Town?

The National Energy Foundation is running an E-Car Club Pilot project on behalf of Sustainable Ventures. The aim of the project is to test the feasibility of implementing an electric car share scheme within selected communities across the UK. Initially six to eight communities will be selected to be surveyed. These will then be narrowed down to three to take part in the trial in the first half of 2012.
Anyone interested in taking part in the study, and potentially in the trial itself, should complete NEF’s online survey


Funding Available for Community Buildings

The Community Sustainable Energy Programme (CSEP) has opened a new round of funding. It will accept applications for capital grants for heat generating technologies and energy efficiency measures on community buildings until 29th February 2012.



Biomass Power Station on Site of Former M1 Cooling Towers

A biomass power station is to be built on the site of the famous former cooling towers close to the M21 flyover near Sheffield. Formerly used to generate power from coal, the site will now have a biomass power station which will use waste wood to provide energy to homes and businesses. The £120m renewable energy plant will be set near the site of the old Tinsley Towers, adjacent to Meadowhall, and when operational will generate up to 30MW, enough to power 40,000 homes, by converting recycled waste wood into electricity.

Presentations from Engaging Communities in Low Carbon Planning Events

Presentations from two community events delivered in Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire in October are now available online. These events aimed to help communities understand and influence local planning decisions on renewable and low carbon developments in their areas. Guest speakers included Patrick Allcorn from DECC and representatives from local community renewable projects.


Community Buying Scheme for Heating Oil in Nottinghamshire


Householders in Nottinghamshire who heat their home using oil can benefit from a new bulk purchase scheme set up by Rural Community Action Nottinghamshire (RCAN).
The scheme involves households, community buildings and businesses clubbing together to purchase their oil on the same day once a month, thus allowing them to access cheaper rates. A similar scheme in Oxfordshire scheme has saved members an average of 4p per litre on their fuel over the last year. Members can save also save on Red Diesel (1-2p per litre saving).
Orders are placed on the last Thursday of each month with deliveries being made approximately 5-7 days later. There is no need to order every month, and orders can be for as little as 500 litres.
Members placing an order in November paid 55.5p per litre compared with an average price that day of 61.5p per litre. The scheme has an annual membership fee of £20 for individuals (more for businesses and community buildings) to cover administration costs. Households should be able to save at least this much on their first order. A member can volunteer to act as a co-ordinator, collecting orders from others in their village and passing them on to RCAN. Anyone volunteering to do this will receive free membership.
Anyone wanting to take part in the scheme should contact: / 01623