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Transition Chesterfield Need Your Plant Cuttings

Do you have healthy gooseberry or currant bushes or a healthy apple tree? Transition Chesterfield are looking for people living in the Chesterfield area who are willing to allow them to take cuttings from their gooseberries, black currants, red currants and white currants and, from mid-December, apple trees.

The group will plant the cuttings and look after them before finding places for them to be planted out in a year or two when they’re bigger. The group are currently working with the local council and other local organisations to find land to plant food in. They need the plants to help them get going.
Instructions on taking cuttings can be found here: or email the group: and they’ll see if they can help:

£10 million Local Energy Assessment Fund Launched

 The Energy Saving Trust and the Department for Energy and Climate Change have launched a new fund which aims to support communities across England and Wales to play an active role in the development of a low carbon society where energy supply is both secure and affordable. The fund will resource work by community groups to understand their potential for improvements in energy efficiency and local deployment of renewable energy, alongside demonstrations of solid wall insulation. Organisations including parish councils, voluntary associations, development trusts and faith groups are all eligible to apply.
The grant fund provided by the programme is intended to help communities to prepare for new opportunities in sustainable energy and climate change arising from the Green Deal, Renewable Heat Incentive and Feed in Tariffs. The grants can be used to fund projects that follow the Energy Hierarchy (reduce energy use, use energy efficiently, generate renewable energy).
Up to 200 communities will receive funding, with an average of £50,000 available per community (maximum grant of £130,000).
There are two applications deadlines: noon on 22nd December 2011 and noon on 20th January 2012. All funding will need to be spent by 31st March 2012.
Find out more and apply:

Watt's Going On At Everton Energy Day?!

The new ‘Watt Bike’ took a trip to the Everton Energy Day in Bassetlaw recently. This space age bit of kit grabbed the attention of young and old with much frantic peddling seeking to generate enough power to run a range of household appliances. A number of young children also enjoyed playing ‘carbon cutting snakes and ladders’.
People attending the MEA stall discussed energy saving in the home with our expert staff as well as how to integrate renewable energy technologies into their homes. Some also found out how to do a water audit of their home.


Free Energy Monitors For All Households

Free energy monitors are available for all households for a limited period from Carillon Energy:

Totally Locally Scheme on East Midland’s Today

A local scheme to encourage people in West Bridgford to support their local economy by spending at least £5 a week in local shops has been featured on East Midlands Today.

The scheme’s organisers estimate that if everyone living in West Bridgford spent £5 a week in local shop, instead of spending it at the supermarket, that the local economy would benefit to the tune of £9.3 million a year.