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Inspiring Case Studies from Leicestershire

Looking for inspiration for environmental projects for your area? This website has lots of case studies of exciting projects in Leicestershire including as village which took thermal image pictures of almost everyone home in its village and the installation of solar panels on a Sikh temple:

Vote for Community-Owned Renewable Energy Projects in Nottinghamshire

EnergyShare, a new scheme set up by British Gas to distribute millions of pounds of funding to community-owned renewable energy projects, is looking for your votes for projects – including some in Nottinghamshire.

 After thousands of groups around the country registered on the site earlier this year, just 100 were chosen to go through to the next round of votes – including Meadows Ozone Energy Services Limited, The Greener Youth Club, Edwalton Primary School, Newstead Wind and Willow Wind, all in Nottinghamshire. Now, those groups need your vote to be chosen to receive a share of £500,000 worth of funding towards their community-owned renewable project.

 Vote here:

 The projects with the most supporters will be told in December.Don’t worry if you didn’t register with the scheme – this is the first of several promised rounds which, in total, will distribute £3 million to community-owned renewable energy projects around the UK over the next three years. Sign up to e-enewsletters from Energy Share to make sure you know about the next round:

Pedal Power Comes to Bolsover

The Fantastic Home vehicle, complete with new energy bike, visited Bolsover District offices during October to promote the council's new insulation scheme.

Aside from referring people to the Warmstreets scheme, the vehicle also allowed people to see how much energy they can produce by pedalling the brand new energy bike. A 14-year-old produced the most power – 477 Watts – which could power his Xbox, TV and speaker system... if he could keep pedalling for long enough to enjoy them!

Lunchtime was a very busy period with crowds around the trailer. We distributed lots of free energy saving items and advised people on their saving options in the home. A few people were on the wrong tariff for their electricity, and some needed referring for Warm Front grants.



Does Age Influence Views on Climate Change?

A study at Loughborough University is being conducted about whether age influences people's knowledge attitudes and behaviour towards climate change. If you would be happy to spend 10 minutes of your time filling out a short survey to assist in the data collection please click on the link below:

The Number One Environmental Challenge Is…?

On 13th October five experts debated what the number one environmental challenge of
the next 40 years is at an Earth Watch event entitled Mission Critical in London. Each will
present a case for a different issue –from food security to a zero carbon future. According
to the organizers the event will ‘give our audience an opportunity to consider some of
these serious issues, and some possible solutions in an entertaining and thought-
provoking format.”

Unsurprisingly the event is fully booked, but you can read the thoughts of some of the
speakers here: