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Big Buxton Conversation Two

Following the inspirational Big Buxton Conversation (BBC1) in April 2021, four active local groups (Transition BuxtonBuxton Town TeamBuxton Civic Association, and Vision Buxton) came together to organise a follow-up to keep the conversations flowing – Big Buxton Conversation Two (BBC2) 

Roughly 80 people gathered in the well-ventilated Methodist Church on Monday 8th November for 3 hours of animated discussions. The objective for the afternoon was to look at the 12 themes and associated ideas that emerged from BBC1 and look at how they might develop into projects:

The most important, and clearly interconnected, themes for people in the room were:

  • Young People
  • Public Transport
  • Nature
  • Health & Well-being. 

Jean Ball from Transition Buxton said: 'The passion that people have for our lovely town and surrounding landscape came through loud and clear. The single loudest message to come from both these events so far is the value and importance of continuing to talk, ask questions, share ideas and working together for our shared benefit.'

Six potential projects emerged for detailed discussions on the day with five further themes for consideration later. The full notes and Appendix is available here.

Regional FixFest

Are you interested in tackling waste through fixing things?
Transition Chesterfield is planning to hold an event focusing on repair-related issues in the Derbyshire and East Midlands area next year. The event will be held at Chesterfield Assembly Rooms on Saturday 19th March 2022 and will be supported by The Restart Project and Chesterfield Borough Council.

It will have 2 strands:

  • a networking opportunity for those already running repair cafés(or similar) and those wishing to start one.
  • a showcase for other ideas relating to the circular economy, e.g. Tool Library, Men in Sheds, Scrapstore.

A limited amount of funding will be available to help with travel expenses.
Anyone interested in registering for either strand (or both), please contact Margaret on:

Making Sherwood Forest Green Again

Photo: Volunteers celebrate a successful day's tree planting with the Sherwood Forest Trust

The Sherwood Forest Trust, a small charity based in Edwinstowe (Nottinghamshire), has been working for over 26 years getting local people 'hands on' with nature and heritage. Last month, Volunteer Engagement Officer, Katie Doull, found local people were keen to do something practical to counter climate change.

'We put out a call to local schools, businesses and groups,' says Katie, whose post at the charity was funded by the Government's 'Green Recovery' scheme. 'The response was fantastic. Overall, nearly a hundred volunteers rolled up their sleeves to help out at our winter tree planting sessions.'
With the permission and support of Forestry England, who manage the site, over 1000 native British oaks were planted at Strawberry Hill near Mansfield – an area which once formed part of the historic Royal Hunting Forest of Sherwood. 

Have Your Say | Gedling BC's Carbon Management Strategy Consultation

Gedling Borough Council have announced details of our ambitious plan to achieve net-zero emissions by 2030. Our Carbon Management Strategy has a number of actions to reduce the carbon footprint of the borough and help us tackle climate change.

They want you to have your say on the strategy, and so have launched a Consultation which closes on 4th January 2022.

Have your say:  

UN Climate Change Conference 2021 | COP26

31st October – 12th November

For the last 2 weeks, the world’s nations have gathered in Glasgow for COP26 - the UN Conference of Parties. A draft COP26 text was released to form the basis of an agreement at the end of the conference.

The UN reported recently that the current pledges are still inadequate. In this crucial decade, COP26 is maybe the world’s best last chance to keep the Paris Agreement on the agenda and get runaway climate change under control.

Headline Agreements

  • More than 100 world leaders, representing 85% of the world’s forest, promised to end and reverse deforestation by 2030
  • More than 40 countries, including major coal-users including Poland, Vietnam and Chile, agreed to shift away from coal.
  • Some 450 financial organisations agreed to back "clean" technology and direct finance away from fossil fuel-burning industries.
  • US and China pledged to boost climate co-operation over the next decade, on a range of issues including clean energy & de-carbonisation

Does it go far enough?

"What happened at COP26 – Days at a glance" by Guardian.
Day 1 2 3 4 5 8 9 11