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New Climate Change Officer at Gedling Borough Council

Sim Duhra has joined Gedling Borough Council in Nottinghamshire as their new Climate Change Officer. 

Gedling Borough Council’s Carbon Management Strategy has a number of actions to reduce the carbon footprint of the borough. After a recent Consultation, they will be finalising the strategy over the coming weeks.

Sim said “I am passionate about climate change and to achieve net-zero emission by 2030, we have to work collaboratively with the community and partners to reduce our carbon emissions, everyone has a part to play”

Good luck with your new position Sim!

Get in touch with Sim at or

Read the Carbon Management Strategy here:  


Durham University Green Success & New Green Fund Launched by Telecommunications Giant Orange...

National News In Brief (December 2020)

  • How Durham University turned itself green

    In 2 years, the university jumps 66 places on the People and Planet’s annual university sustainability league

  • Orange launches €50m nature-based solutions fund on road to net-zero

    Telecommunications giant Orange has revealed plans to invest €50m in reforestation and other nature restoration projects, as it strives to become a net-zero business by 2040.

Council Climate League 

During August & September, Climate Emergency UK & team of trained volunteers marked publicly available LA Climate Action Plans in order to create a Council Climate League. The scoring system used was based on their Local Authority Action Plan Checklist which can be found here.

It is hoped the project will provide a benchmark for what makes a good or bad Plan, allow people to see how well their council is doing, and show-case how much councils are doing despite the lack of support from the National Government. The long term aim of this project is to mark councils on their actual climate action.

Following the first marking of the Climate Emergency Action Plans, councils will be given a right of reply. 

We look forward to seeing the scores when they are published in the League Table in January 2022.


School in Nottingham Gains a National Recognition for Green Efforts & Leader of Chesterfield BC Calls on Government to Do More to Tackle Climate Change...

Local News In Brief (December 2021):

  • First School in Nottingham Gains National Recognition for Encouraging Active Travel

  • Leader of Chesterfield BC Calls on Government to Do More to Tackle Climate Change

    Last month, the leader of Chesterfield Borough Council, Councillor Tricia Gilby, wrote to the Prime Minister and other senior Government Ministers to demand more action on climate change.

    The full letter can be read here:

The Owl Hoot Podcast | December

The Owl Hoot, produced by Caroline Norbury, is a podcast and blog. Each fortnightly podcast episode features a guest who contributes in some way to protecting the planet.

Recent podcasts guests:

  • Kristen Fuller
    Marketing and Communications Manager at Toast Ale

    Kristen shares how Toast Ale uses bread waste to brew great beer and through partnerships aims to make the food system more circular and positively impact the environment.

  • Richard Bunting
    Director of Communications & Campaigns International

    Richard discusses Rewilding. He provides a vision of enriched ecosystems teeming with plants and wildlife - gain insight into the types of projects undertaken and how they transform the landscape, benefiting nature and people.