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Fantastic Homes Exhibition 

Fantastic Home exhibition is a mobile energy efficiency exhibition – a “house on wheels” – which aims to engage visitors in energy topics (e.g. efficiency, generation, fuel poverty, climate change) in a fun, interactive and engaging way. 

The Fantastic Home is owned and operated by Marches Energy Agency, an independent charity supporting communities in the Midlands. 

Subject to COVID- 19 restrictions, it is available for hire for community groups and local Authorities.  Previously, they have visited concerts, fairs, city/town/village centres, schools and offices.  Please send booking enquires to

Meanwhile, you can watch a virtual tour of the van: 

Dr Bike free bike adjustments, HVCA 's 'Bike Bus' demonstration, XR Nottingham's bike-friendly action and more...

Local News In brief  (August 2020):

  • Dr Bike provides free bike adjustments and repairs on the first Saturday of the month at Queen's Park north car park. Slots can be booked here 
  • 9 Innovative agri-tech projects in the UK will benefit from a £24 million government investment. This includes a Nottingham – based project which recycles carbon dioxide into sustainable animal feed:
  • Hope Valley Climate Action (HVCA) carried out a 'Bike Bus' demonstration - starting from Grindleford and ending at Hope Valley College:
  • On Saturday 25th July, over 60 cyclist took part in XR Nottingham's bike-friendly action despite heavy rain:

Sustainable Hayfield Awarded Government Grant for a Renewable Energy Generation Feasibility Study

Sustainable Hayfield has been awarded grant funding by the Rural Communities Energy Fund (via its regional arm - the Midlands Energy Hub) to undertake a feasibility study into the scope for renewable energy generation in Hayfield parish.

The money will be used to pay for consultants to see if there is potential for generating renewable energy, particularly a local solar farm, in Hayfield. They will consider factors such as local planning regulations, landscape, climate, and visual impact. This study is expected to take approximately 12 weeks to complete and consultants have started work already.

The group is encouraged that the government is supporting projects like this, boosting efforts to enhance community control over electricity generation and move towards net zero carbon emissions.

For more information, please contact

Shipley Eco-Action Group receives funding from the Severn Trent Community Fund

Community group, Shipley Eco-Action Group (SEAG) was awarded £6,243.00 from the Severn Trent Community Fund to support its Shipley Woodside Community Garden project in Shipley, Derbyshire. The funds will be used to create a large wildlife pond and erect a barn structure. It will also be used to buy a recycled plastic bench seat, a tool shed,  a solar powered submersible water pump, and 4 IBCs for ground and rainwater collection.

To celebrate their 1 year anniversary, the group plan to hold a summer fete at the Community Garden on the 29th August 2020 (11 am - 3 pm) - with the appropriate social distancing in place. 

The Garden is currently open to visitors and volunteers every Saturday 10 am - 1 pm and every Wednesday 1 pm 4 pm.

Find out more about SAEG here

N.B:- Thanks to drone photography, you can now view a tour of Shipley Woodside Community Garden here!  

Nottingham's #28For28 Campaign to Encourage Carbon - Neutral Activities. 

A 28-day challenge launched last weekend (1st August) to show families in Nottingham how fun and easy it can be to go carbon-neutral. It aims to raise awareness of climate issues and what small things can be done which add up to make a big difference.

The campaign is part of Nottingham City Council’s pledge to become the first UK city to be carbon-neutral by 2028.

A different partner organisation in Nottingham will set a family-friendly daily challenge by giving a short demonstration, hosting a workshop, or simply providing a few tips. Challenges will include scavenger hunts, cycling, seed-planting and more. 

To get involved in the challenges, you can follow the campaign on Twitter or visit their website.