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Climate Fresk Workshop

A scientific, collaborative and creative workshop to learn about the climate.

Thursday 22nd June 2023

10:20 - 13:30

Derby QUAD, Market Place, Cathedral Quarter, Derby DE1 3AS.

You can't fix what you don't understand. Luckily, the Climate Fresk workshop turns climate science into a game!

Played by over 1 million people worldwide, this fun & collaborative workshop allows you to understand the essential issues of climate change in order to take action.

Based on the IPCC report, it explains the causes and consequences of climate change. Whether you're a novice or an expert, you'll learn a lot in just 3 hours.


Click the below link to find out more and take part!


Connected for Warmth - Free Energy Efficiency Measures Available

Connected for Warmth is a nationwide programme that supports low income, and low energy efficient homes in England, Scotland, and Wales through fully funded heating and insulation.

The scheme is managed by AgilityEco in partnership with Affordable Warmth Solutions, and funded by National Grid.


Air Source Heat Pump Scheme

You will likely qualify for this scheme if:

• Your home has an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) rating of E, F, or G

• Your home has never had a central heating system


If you are on a low income and have a high cost of heating your home, or on a low income and vulnerable to the cold because of age, illness or disability, you may also be eligible. If you live in a privately rented property, you will need your landlord’s consent, and they may have to contribute towards the install of the air source heat pump.

In order to install the air source heat pump, your cavity walls and loft space must be insulated, which we will also be able to provide funding for.


Read more about eligibility and apply today.



This loft and cavity wall insulation offer is available to homeowners and privately rented properties, and is subject to availability of funding.


Homes must be in Council Tax Bands A, B, C or D


Properties must also be technically suitable for the insulation measures available. For example, if you live in a flat or in a listed building it may not be possible to treat your home. This will be confirmed via your EPC or the home survey that we will undertake.


Read more about eligibility and apply today.

Great Hayfield Clean Up: Saturday March 25th 10-1.00p.m

Each year, dozens of us turn out for an organised clean-up of the village to remove the litter and detritus accumulated over the winter and leave the village looking its 'better self'. Can you spare an hour or more to do this in a specified area or street? It's good fun, and you'd be amazed at the variety of litter collected. Collecting bags and litter pickers will be supplied from St Matthew's Church Hall but do bring your own gloves. There will be free refreshments at St Matthew's. We hope to see you there!

Tend and tidy the Hayfield Parish cemetery

Each month, stalwarts from the village turn out to tend and tidy the Hayfield Parish cemetery for a couple of hours. It's surprising how much can be achieved by a team of willing hands in that time. Currently, sessions are held on the first Tuesday of the month at 10-12.00p.m, but there's nothing sacrosanct about this. They'd like more people to join them, tending the area where our forebears or former friends and neighbours lie. There's real satisfaction to be had from such respectful work. No special skills are needed, just a willingness to help. Please bring your own gardening equipment. Could you help? If you'd like to offer some of your time, contact any of the following:

Lynne Bagshaw on 01663 74211, Valerie Richardson at 01663 742607, or Pete Webb on 07815 133695.

Climate Fresk workshop available!

A Climate Fresk workshop is happening  in Mammoth Climate Action Cinema on the 18th of March from 10am to 1pm.

Climate Fresk is the most powerful tool for providing a quality climate education that is accessible to anyone and can be quickly scaled up in any organisation or community.

Sign up here