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Indoor Light Fantastic, Chesterfield

Light Fantastic, Green Up, Chesterfield


Chesterfield Borough Council

Visitors:                                                                approx 75

Bulbs distributed:                                                88

CO2 saved (lifetime):                                          12,569.92kg                                             

Retained economic benefit (lifetime):               £3636.16

The Light Fantastic in Chesterfield on Friday was part of a larger event called Green Up: we were one of about 15 stalls.

The weather was against us from the start so it wasn’t as busy as it might have been but there was a slow, steady flow throughout the day.

In addition to giving away 88 bulbs to 44 people I spoke to around another 30 who didn't want the bulbs as they already have lots from energy company or from '5 for 10p offers' at Morrisons! Probably confirmation that we're doing the right thing in moving to Fantastic Homes later this year.

I used our Light bulb Library as a way to talk about moving onto other kinds of energy saving lightbulbs and this worked well: most people were unaware of the range of bulbs available. The three most common queries (the most common being first) were:

  • Lots of people were complaining about how often the have to change their halogens and I was able to show them our lower wattage halogens and our LEDs. The LEDs will last longer and both will use less energy.

  • The 25 watt (150 watt equivalent)  daylight bulbs were popular too:  I had quite a lot of older people with bad eyesight come to the stall and complain about low energy bulbs. I explained that although the packaging on our free bulbs says that an 18 watt bulb is 100 watt equivalent, they could replace a 100 watt bulb with one of the 25 watt ones: this would still give them a decent energy saving and it would give them more and better light (these bulbs are designed to emulate daylight). Several people found this information useful.

  • Some people asked about dimmer switches and I was able to show them the options in our library.

I gave out fact sheets on low energy lightbulbs and pointed out the listings of websites which sell more unusual and hard-to-find energy saving bulbs.

There were a couple of enquiries about insulation and renewables, but I would imagine that most people who had this kind of enquiry went to one of the other stalls dedicated to these products.

Melbourne Budgens, Melbourne

South Derbyshire

Melbourne Budgens, Melbourne


Visitors:                                                   270

Bulbs distributed:                                    550

TV Powerdowns distributed                    47 (not including those to be delivered)

Computer Powerdowns distributed        42 (not including those to be delivered)

CO2 savings                                           79,230 kg CO2 lifetime

Retained Economic Benefit                    £37,856

Characters: 1477

Waste Not Want Not Event, Chesterfield

Waste Not Want Not Event

22/10/09 – Energy Saving Week
Chesterfield Borough Council

Visitors                        22
Bulbs                           30
Powerdowns                 20
Lifetime CO2                 4435 kg
Lifetime cost saving       £4,639.60

We were able to assist a number of council staff and members of the public with their enquiries on low energy lighting and renewable energy.

Many visitors were interested in a wider range of bulb styles such as candles and spot lights and were very eager to hear about new developments in LED technology.

The Chief Executive, Huw Bowen and the Mayor Adrian Kitch tried out the Energy Bike and were interested to see how this demonstrated the energy saving of the Compact Fluorescent Bulb.

Light Fantastic, Swadlincote Flood Fair

South Derbyshire District Council

Light Fantastic, Swadlincote Flood Fair


Visitors:                                                    approx 350

Bulbs distributed:                                       680

Powerdown Units distributed:                      200

CO2 saved (lifetime):                                  98,631

Retained economic benefit (lifetime):           £62,098

Wednesday 21st October the Light Fantastic visited Swadlincote and was situated in front of the Town Hall where the Floor Fair was located. Despite threatening weather, the rain never came and we had a steady flow of interest throughout the day. Many of the people who came to visit the trailer were then directed into the town hall.

Two representatives from South Derbyshire District Council were on hand to give expert local advice. Most people had low energy light bulbs of some kind and some had all but the most difficult ones changed. We were able to show these people the range available to them and direct them to stockists of LED’s GU10 replacements and candle type bulbs.

Younger people of the town enjoyed the energy bike and carbon countdown game, with a bunch of teenagers taking up the challenge to light up nine low energy light bulbs – it was actually quite easy as they only added up to 56W, less than the 60W incandescent bulb in the case.

We were also able to assist people with insulation and renewable technology enquiries. Several people have been thinking about solar thermal, and we were able to give them detailed technical advice, as well as advice on photovoltaic installations and one enquiry about domestic wind in a semi-rural location.

Light Fantastic, Big Wheel, Nottingham

Nottingham City Council

Light Fantastic, Big Wheel, Nottingham


Visitors:                                                    approx 1200

Bulbs distributed:                                       2520

PowerDown Units distributed:                      160

CO2 saved (lifetime):                                   361,157 kg

Retained economic benefit (lifetime):            £131,326

The Big Wheel is essentially a re-branded green event, and what an impact the difference has. There was a massive turn out to the event will all cross-sections of the community attending. We managed to secure a great location near the entrance, and this had an instant impact – we were busy from the word go!

Luckily we had two volunteers as well as the two staff from the Council to assist. We had queues for the light-bulbs, general assistance and for the energy bike. We were able to help a number of people out who had changes all but their halogen and dimmer switch bulbs, but largely most people had not got to this stage yet.

The Council officers also brought along a number of giveaways, cloth bags, water saving devices, pens, food savers and staple less staplers. This was just as well as the PowerDowns had all gone by 11am and the bulbs by 12.30. We were able to get children to commit to being energy monitors for their own homes as well as also distributing carbon foot-printing and tops sheets. Matt from the council commented that he had spoken to more people in the morning, in more depth than he had at all the year’s previous events put together.

In the afternoon we were able to give more in depth feedback and assistance to visitors, promoting energy monitors and dealing with some tricky questions about LEDs (one of which was answered by my twelve year old son!). One visitor would not change to CFLs on health and safety grounds as they did not come on quick enough and he might end up falling down the stairs. It was pointed out to him the health and safety issues with getting on a chair 15 times to change incandescent bulbs and also that he could opt for a higher wattage CFL. He left happy with this solution.

We also dealt with many enquiries about solar panels – thermal and PV. We also promoted feed in tariffs which were unknown to most.

All in this was a fantastic event, with a great attendance. Many left very switched on.